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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Refuse to remain Quiet

The importance of Writing

In the Bible, the importance of writing and the power it holds is emphasized by the ten commandments.

Laws in written form are the basis of systems that automate society.

In this it is recommended to develop an active blog with regular contributions of your journey as you discover how what man has written and accepted as law in this world has formed our society into a controlled system where few need to do anything. as the laws drive the system with creating the jobs that uphold the law. The people that drive the written system are held in place through money. Take the money away and they will not do the work.

In blogging investigate with common sense what one person can do in a lifetime to gain common sense perspective how it is possible that we ended in the current mess in this world.

See how writing and publishing is in effect the machine that keep man systematically enslaved – the symbols as letters as words represent what we perceive life is and we regard free choice as sacred through allowing the abuse to continue existing as if the freedom to abuse is acceptable.

For those that write, make sure you tag you writings well and share the links. Those that read – make sure you connect the writings to others.

This will not be a journey without written and verbal conflict – as the interest of wealth and survival is the center of our society that is protected by our written laws and education curriculums.

This will be real labor, as labor is what is done through understanding.

A job is not labor. A job is self betrayal and is done to survive --not to make the world a safe place for all to live in.

Although writing seems small and insignificant --it is writing that has been the foundation of what is here today.

Refuse to remain quiet.

(by Bernard Poolman)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Equality is passport to Real Power

When one starts to deconstruct the pillars of the current money system, it is obvious that the two main driving-forces are ‘profit’ and ‘power’. Of course the pillars of the current system are intertwined and interactive in multidimensional ways. However, investigating the ‘basics’ of how Power and Profit are designed to sustain the polarity that manifests Inequality in this world, already reveals much of what has to change and what it will take.

The Metaphysics of Power and Profit
This environment, this world – is currently a CONsciousness Matrix based in Polarity, constantly balancing itself out, justified through a money-system wherein money is apparently ‘scarce’, when it is in-fact simple common sense that money is man-made and therefore able to be re-defined anytime man decides to do so.
Obviously, as long as man is fixated on Profit as ‘power’ in self-interest, that decision cannot be made.

In the current system of justified Inequality, where most human beings exist in survival-mode and constant fear – the realization that Self = Life = All = Equal takes some self-honesty and guts.
Within that self-realization, it is self-evident that Greed and Self-Interest must be given-up for the sake of Life, for the sake of Humanity – to focus on what it takes to get this world to an actualized condition as 'what's best for all': a Dignified Life for All from birth to death.

Profit is based in Inequality. Profit is in fact a 'value' defined in comparison and fear of loss – based on a one-dimensional ‘point of view’ where one only regards one’s own self-interest in separation from the Whole.

In an Equal Money System: Profit becomes irrelevant. An Equal Money System implies a new practical definition of 'life'/'living' – based on the value of Life. The value of Life is Life - therefore Equality.

An Equal Money System is definitely going to 'force' everyone to face themselves – and many 'things' are going to have to be 'learned' from scratch: self-dignity, self-responsibility, self-motivation, self-drive, self-expression... and the list goes on, as each-one of us and all of us together will have to re-define what Living really means in a world of self-willed Equals that are free to live and express.

The basic Polarity within which this consciousness-system, this world, operates – is the Polarity of: Fear and the Desire for 'Power'.

The Desire for 'Power' already indicates by implication that self perceive self as 'powerless' or that self fears being 'powerless'.
Therefore the system creates 'points of power' for man to 'strive' for – be it education, family/children, status, image, 'influence' – while the 'starting-point' or 'allocation-point' of Man is thereby 'shifted' from Self Here to the Desire for 'Power' and Fear of not achieving it, Fear of Loss.

Fear of Loss and the Desire for 'Power' have become the 'driving-force' of Man; No self-drive, no self-motivation, no self-worth.
Accepting the polarity of Fear and Desire for Power as ‘real’ – Man implicitly accepts his own powerlessness, because 'power' is abdicated to the system of polarity, in separation from Self.

The Power of Self is Here as Self; Yet from the moment of birth into this world – self-alienation begins, for Man to ‘fit into’ the System. So basically, it seems like Man is here to feed the System.
Man powers the System, while he 'seeks' 'power'.

Fascinating: The Design of 'power' disempowers Man.

'Power' as defined of this world is defined within terms of 'superiority' and 'inferiority' – another
'Power' as defined of this world can only exist as long as some are 'superior' and others 'inferior' (perceived, accepted or imposed).

This polarity-design of 'superiority' - 'inferiority' that keeps the System running, is constantly 'validated' through the participation of every single human being in the relationships we create and allow, from the 'small' to the 'big'. This polarity-design is ‘supported’ through ‘competition’ as we learn it in our educations system and ‘comparison’ as the media keep teaching us.

‘Competition’ and ‘comparison’ as systematic mind-manifestations prove how the human-being in this world does not learn self-acceptance, self-worth and self-respect, does not stand as an integral Equal Here, but is taught to be constantly busy in the mind ‘there’, looking for ‘something’ separate from itself, in the projection of which it seeks to find its ‘motivation’, its ‘worth’ and its ‘value’. It is rather pathetic, isn’t it?

If the accepted Polarity-Design is stopped, then 'power' becomes irrelevant; and Fear becomes rather unnecessary.

It is obviously going to take a while to stop this whole design on a global scale; A whole New System is required to do this – a System that is not based in Polarity, but in Equality – like the Equal Money System Desteni suggest.

Individually however, we are able to stop this 'design' within Self. Each one is able to stop oneself from participating in thoughts, beliefs and emotions of polarity, of 'superiority' and 'inferiority', of fear and desire for something 'more', 'better', 'higher', something separate from Self Here. Each one is able to Stand Equal. Equality begins within self. Here is Real Power as Life. Because when Self Stand Here as equal as one: Self Move Self – instead of being moved and directed by fear, desire and thoughts/emotions of uncertainty, inadequacy, greed; instead of being driven by the power-games of this world.

Life needs no 'power' – Life is Here, Life is Equal – and in that, Life IS Power as Life.

Equal Money is the way to Equal Life.

One must consider: When all have 'equal power' – then 'power' as defined of this world will exist no more; The same with Equal Money.
An Equal Money System will give all 'equal power'. The way to Power as Life is Equality.

Polarity must stop, power-games must stop. Too many lives are on the line – a Child dies every 5 seconds, while we Do have the power to stop this.

Freedom of Equality & What freedom is not

Freedom of Equality
Discussion with Bernard Poolman and Darryl Thomas, 17-Mar-10

So to ‘Believe’ you are ‘Enslaved’, implies ‘What’?
Darryl: Someone’s ‘Enslaving’- you or ‘something’.
Bernard: No, that you’re ‘Believing’-it –You don’t ‘know’ ‘that’ for a ‘Fact’- To ‘Claim’ that you ‘Know’ that ‘You’re ‘Enslaved’’, is the same as a ‘Belief’- because If You ‘know’ you are ‘Enslaved’, you’ll ‘Know’ ‘How’ to ‘get-out’ of-it – Then it’s no big ‘Problem’.
Darryl: Right.
Bernard: But as ‘long’-as you don’t know ‘how’ to ‘get-out’ of-it, and to ‘Solve’ the ‘Problem’, you’re still ‘Just’ ‘Believing’ You are ‘Enslaved’, you don’t ‘know’ ‘In-Fact’ ‘How’-it ‘Operates’- To have the ‘Experience’ of ‘Being Enslaved’ and being ‘Unable’ to ‘get-out’ of-it –meaning make a ‘Big-issue’ out of-it, like you will find with your ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ and so on, they make a ‘Big-Hu Ha’ about-it, that’s because: They don’t ‘Know’ ‘How’ to ‘get-out’ of-it, they have an ‘Idea’ they’re ‘Enslaved’, but they don’t ‘Know’ ‘How’ it ‘works’ ‘In-Fact’- and then, instead of Actually ‘Doing’ something about-it, they ‘Create’ a ‘Following’ -They Do Not ‘Act’ ‘In-Fact’- and they ‘Blame’-Others from the perspective of ‘Separation’- And instead-of ‘Pointing-out’ to Others, what is the ‘Problem’ and coming-up with a ‘Solution’ to ‘Solve the Problem’ to Stop the ‘Enslavement’- That Make Sense?

Darryl: yeah.
Bernard: Therefore, the ‘Desire’ for ‘Freedom’-Exist – because, from their ‘Perspective’, there is something-‘wrong’, something that they call ‘Enslavement’- but they also don’t Understand ‘Freedom’, because if you take that ‘Freedom’ and you ‘superimpose’-it on Everybody-else’s ‘Freedom’, then you have ‘Freedom-Equality’ that means, ‘Everyone’ ‘Equally-Free’- No One is ‘Free’ because you have a certain ‘Obligation’, you have a ‘Responsibility’- The ‘Moment’ you are ‘More’-‘Free’ than somebody else = that’s No-longer ‘Freedom’, then it is ‘Control’-The ‘Only’-way where ‘Freedom’ ‘Can’-Exist, is in ‘Equality’. Where ‘All’ is ‘Equally-Free’ in ‘All-Ways’- that’s Only-‘Possible’ in terms-of ‘How’ we are ‘Approaching’ ‘Equality’ to bring-about a ‘Total-Equality’ for ‘All-Life’ in ‘All-Ways’ in ‘All-Dimensions’. From ‘that’-Perspective, ‘Everyone’ then is ‘Free’- but there is a ‘Responsibility’ that ‘goes’-with the ‘Freedom’ where one then also… The ‘Freedom’ You-‘Get’ is the ‘Freedom’ You-‘Give’- So there is an ‘Equal’… I mean there’s a ‘Reality’ of ‘Equality’ ‘Within’ the ‘Freedom’-
Darryl: What about the ‘perceived’ ‘loses’ of ‘Freedom’ when ‘Equality’ is Considered?

Bernard: but ‘those’ ‘Perceived’ ‘Loses’-of ‘Freedom’’ was Never-‘Freedom’, that was where you had ‘Control’ over certain ‘parts’ of your ‘Life’ and therefore you had the ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse- That was Not-‘Freedom’, that’s ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse’. Then you’re gonna-get ‘Freedom’ which is the ‘Freedom of Life’- and the Same-‘Freedom’ Exist for ‘Everyone’ because, If you would ‘like’ ‘Freedom of Abuse’ then you must remember you must ‘also’ give ‘Freedom of Abuse’ to ‘Others’, then you have the same-World you have now, where everything is ‘happening’-through ‘Competition’ and through-‘Abuse’- which is the ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse’- and because you don’t wanna ‘give-up’ your ‘Freedom of Abuse’= You don’t want to look-at ‘Equality’- I mean, you don’t ‘Mind’ being ‘Abused’, then you have the ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse’ and then…‘Why’ this ‘Abuse’ gets so-‘Big’? Because One ‘try’ and ‘be’ ‘More’-‘Free’ than the ‘Other’, therefore ‘Abuse’-‘More’ because then your ‘Freedom of Abuse’ is ‘Bigger’- And You are ‘Better’ because: You could ‘Abuse’-‘Better’- Does that ‘Make sense’?

Darryl: They just see it as ‘Free Will’ –‘It’s my ‘Free Will’… for the ‘Pursuit of Happiness’, ‘My happiness’.
Bernard: What-‘is’ ‘Happiness’? ‘Happiness’ at the ‘Cost’ of ‘Another is Not-‘Happiness’. ‘Happiness’ at the ‘Cost’ of ‘Another’ is You ‘Abusing’-‘Another’, and you having the ‘Experience’-of ‘Happiness’ or the ‘Experience’-of ‘Fulfillment’ from somebody-else’s ‘Struggles’, ‘Hardship’, ‘Pain.
Darryl: It’s all Connected.
Bernard: It’s All ‘Connected’-

Darryl: The ‘Pleasure’ I get from going-to Wal-mart to get four pairs of underwear for three dollars is… caused set to the ‘Slave Labor Camp’ that ‘Produced’-it. Bernard: Correct – But, because One is Not-‘Connected’, You are Not-‘Interconnected’ In-‘Fact’- You ‘Exist’-only within your Own ‘Reality’, where you are ‘Pursuing’ that ‘Reality’ to be one of ‘Happiness’, that ‘Reality’ to-be ‘Individualized’ Within that-‘Reality’ you have No-‘Consideration’ for ‘Where’ anything ‘comes-from’.
Darryl: There ‘Has’ to be a ‘Connection’ just because you’re ‘Buying’ something that was made some-place else.

Bernard: There is a ‘Connection’ ‘In-Fact’ but Not according-to ‘You’ within your ‘Reality’ that you have ‘Created’ for Yourself- Within your ‘Pursuit’-of ‘Happiness-Reality’ you are as ‘Happy’ as ‘can-come’- while the ‘Others’ are ‘Suffering’ as much-as ‘Possible’ – Because those ‘two-things’ are Not Directly ‘Connected’, you’re Not ‘going’-through when you’re ‘Touching’ your clothes you’re ‘Buying’, you’re Not-‘Seeing’ ‘How’ it’s ‘Created, You’re Not-‘Seeing’ the ‘Struggle’ that ‘People’ are ‘going-through’- You just ‘look’-at the ‘Prices’ and say ‘God! That is Cheap –it’s ‘Good Quality’, let me Buy-it’- And then you ‘moan’ the moment the ‘Price’ becomes ‘something’ that would have been ‘able’-to ‘Pay’ somebody else’s ‘Income’ as well, then you have a ‘Problem’ because, That is too ‘Expensive’-
Darryl: ‘I’m not as ‘Happy’’.
Bernard: Yes, now you’re No-longer ‘Happy’, you didn’t ‘get’, you didn’t ‘Score’ a ‘Bargain’, you didn’t get something for ‘Free’ to ‘emphasize’ your ‘Free-Will’- which is the whole-‘Point’ of ‘Consumerism’. So now you have certain-‘parts’ of the ‘World’ that ‘Exist’ within what they call ‘Freedom within Consumerism’ - where there’s a lot-of ‘Free’-Stuff which ‘emphasize’ their ‘Free-Will’ and therefore they say they’re the ‘Country’ that’s ‘The Most-‘Free’ on ‘Earth’’- but that’s Not-‘True: You’re the ‘Most-Enslaved’, America: ‘The Most-Enslaved’.

Darryl: Everything’s in Reverse. So, with our ‘Pursuit’ of ‘Happiness’ we’re just Actually ‘Pursuing’ our own ‘Un-fulfillment’ and… quiet desperation.
Bernard: the ‘Person’ that is in ‘Poverty’ has ‘more’ ‘Self-Reflective’ ‘Benefit’ from their ‘Existence’, than ‘those’ that has ‘Great-Wealth’ - Because the moment You-‘Have’ ‘Great-Wealth’, what happens? You immediately starts to ‘Fear’ you’re going-to ‘Lose’-it-and there Your ‘Fear’-‘Grows’- and you start to Not-‘Trust’ anyone ‘around’-you because ‘they might want your ‘Money’’- Obviously they want your ‘Money’, I mean, ‘How’ did you ‘get-it’? You ‘took’-it from Somebody-‘else’, they must ‘Take’-it from-‘You’, it’s Inevitable! It’s just slowly ‘creeping’-up where you don’t ‘Expect’-it. Wonderful!
Darryl: Yeah.
Bernard: To Be ‘Equal’ to Your-Freedom instead of have Freedom-Equal for Everyone: there Is a Big-Difference...
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