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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Destonians : from Back-Chat to Living-Words

From Back-Chat to the Living-Word

Living-Words implies that our thoughts, actions and deeds are one, and that one stands as an integral living being-ness that resonates throughout the universe and creates existence.

Now – we can all see what kind of existence we have created here as mankind; it is anything but kind.
We have a system that feeds off of life with Money as god, instead of a system to actually support life – all life equally. We all exist in fear of each-other as slaves to this system we have created and given permission for to run our lives.

Within as without, we run on survival-mode: fight or flee, won or lose. And while for the ‘big bosses’ this may seem like a game, for the small hungry bodies in countries hidden from the mercy of ‘god’ it is a struggle for the next breath.

Inequality the mark of the beast of this existence: Mankind. Or should we say ‘Manevil'!

Consider: An actual win-win-scenario for all is possible! The answer is Equality = the practical application of the simple math that Life equals Life; and that the value of Life is Life.
For Equality of Life, all separation must stop. 
Just like all back-chat must stop, as back-chat is the evil that brews in the ‘secret chambers’ of the ill will of man – because what is no evil, need not be kept secret.

Imagine a world where thoughts are visible. Imagine a world where emotional reactions have each their own smell. (And what tells us it isn’t so, but the human ‘incapability’ to actually see itself and its own creation!)
Who would you be if everything was known? (And who says it isn’t!)
If you believe in god – How can you live with yourself?
If you believe in no god – What are you blaming for your existence?

Destonians realize that Equality as Life means equal power – self-empowerment. No gods, no masters, no slaves – Instead: self-responsibility, self-creation, self-power as Life.

Imagine a world where there is no separation in gods, masters and slaves! A world where all parts of life are equally valuable! 

What will it take to ‘get there’? 

What will it take for such ‘paradise’/’paradigm’ to be Our Here !

Realizing that we are the building-blocks of our world, and seeing the reality of this existence as we face ourselves day-to-day through all our interactions, reactions, disputes, fears and desires, news on TV and the natural calamities that every now and then come to burst our bubbles of separation : 
we have no choice but to stand-up and stop that which is creating this creation, the world as we know it – starting within ourselves.
Through self-purification we purify our existence. We are walking a process of self-honesty, walking a self-transformation from existing as back-chat in spitefulness to becoming the living-word : 
scripting and applying a new reality for all life, as what we would like for ourselves in self-dignity.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

C’mon people, wake up! EARTH HOUR is DECEPTION

C’MON PEOPLE, WAKE UP! 1 Hour out of 8760 total hours in a year to FEEL BETTER and get the ILLUSION that we are ‘doing something good’ ?!?!?!?!

Here is how a ‘good thing’ can turn into a global scam: 

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating. Global landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, CN Tower in Toronto, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

See the whole thing here:

The Evolution of ‘Earth Hour’: “GO BEYOND THE HOUR”....

The purpose of SENSATIONALISM is to distract us from Seeing that no actual solutions are being considered.

Make a BIG FUSS out of 1 Hour in the total of 8760 hours of a year and give people the SENSATION the are supporting a 'change' or even 'changing the world'....C'mon!

Will You turn your power off? 
Will the world's scientific research centers switch off their devices? 

Will the giant power generators turn off their power? 
What with the nuclear reactors? 
Will the big wheel stop turning for an hour while you enjoy the Illusion of 'free choice' as the media sells it?

Check out the Equal Money solution and participate in an actual change that will support ALL LIFE equally and for-real!

We should stop arguing for our limitations:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What if I take my problem to the United Nations? (PJ Harvey)

PJ Harvey- The Words That Maketh Murder

I've seen and done things I want to forget;
I've seen soldiers fall like lumps of meat,
Blown and shot out beyond belief.
Arms and legs were in the trees.

I've seen and done things I want to forget;
coming from an unearthly place,
Longing to see a woman's face,
Instead of the words that gather pace,
The words that maketh murder.

These, these, these are the words-
The words that maketh murder.
These, these, these are the words-
The words that maketh murder.
These, these, these are the words-

These, these, these are the words-
The words that maketh murder.

I've seen and done things I want to forget;
I've seen a corporal whose nerves were shot
Climbing behind the fierce, gone sun,
I've seen flies swarming everyone,
Soldiers fell like lumps of meat.

These are the words, the words are these.
death lingering, stunk,
Flies swarming everyone,
Over the whole summit peak,
Flesh quivering in the heat.
This was something else again.
I fear it cannot be explained.
The words that make, the words that make

What if I take my problem to the United Nations?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Celebrating Diversity is Celebrating Equality

Some considerations in the context of Carnival and diversity celebrations... It is fascinating that, behind the masks we mask ourselves with and often hide behind – ornaments of culture, ethnic inheritance, tradition, religion and other cults and belief-systems – we are all the same: skin and bones, a crown of thorns, breathe-in breathe-out, with or without...

Why define ourselves by our differences?! Is the ‘pride’ in diversity actually a manifestation of our ‘spite’ towards that which we have equally become within and as this world : Organic robots living a systematic existence in cycles of abuse, trapped in oblivion, enslaved to a system of no mercy and no consideration for life, a system in the image and likeness of its creator, you and me... And in an attempt to deny and forget the obvious atrocity we all equally exist in and have accepted and allowed to become of this world, we try and give meaning to our differences – a desperate attempt to give ourselves some ‘value’...

The value of life is life!

Fascinatingly enough, celebrations of diversity end-up celebrating our equality and demonstrating that under the garment that is our disguise we are all equal – we breathe the same air and need the same elements to live on this earth.
We all know the national or ethnic groupings and clubs at universities, colleges and generally the global villages worldwide like Berlin, London, New York. This is quite 'interesting' to observe if we take into consideration how this world as our current and accepted system imposes a 'minority fear' (not that it is a place to really feel at home anyhow...). People tend to get together under the auspices of their culture & customs to feel more 'at home', to feel more 'safe'... In an Equal Money system based in the value of Life, this phenomenon will slowly but surely dissipate, as we create a world where ALL LIFE may feel equally at home!

The conditioned elements of our different cults and traditions cannot save us from facing ourselves as participants of this co-existence called Earth. They are no justification and no excuse for abuse and separation.

Time to realize that THE VALUE OF LIFE IS LIFE and that this world system as it exists through everybody’s permission is a crime against life!
Time we do something about this!

Check out my Vlog on Diversity and Equality

Investigate and for Real Practical Best-for-All Solutions to our existence
Life Coaching for Equality and Oneness

Check out the Money Revolution group on facebook
and the Blogging & Vlogging Sharing Self-Realizations group
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