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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Of WAR and the RAW nature of life

See also previous Blog post -
Here in other words:

of WAR 
and the RAW nature of life

In the RAW-ness of our design we are Equal: skeletons filled with flesh and water, all requiring nourishment, shelter, care, relations.

...The RAW-ness of our nature is the physical. Here, physical conditions create either comfort or discomfort. It is easy and simple to determine which is the case, it is for all the same.
...RAW living is direct. RAW living is living the self-trust to express, share and participate with and within the direct reality that is here – the actual reality, the one world we share.

WAR is the opposite of that.
Based on self-definitions, traditions, culture and other ‘differences’ we inherit through our (mis)education in this world, we each create a Meta-reality to which we assign meaning and value and which we hold as ‘more than’ all others.
...Ego exists in all layers of self-definition – from the micro-cosmos of the individual to the macro-cosmos of race, nation, culture, religion, ethnicity etc.
...We fight for our differences in the outside world; we fight for self-righteousness inside.
We create WAR in all ways – through ignoring / denying/ suppressing our Equality as Life, the RAW-ness of our Nature, and pursuing the indoctrinated fight for survival. We are basically fighting for our limitations.

Our world systems feed off of WAR; the current money-system is based on WAR and runs on WAR. The conflict of differences and polarities creates friction – and that friction is the fuel that keeps the system running, the world as we know it.

‘Balance’ within this bipolar system is but a concept that promises ‘peace’, a ‘peace’ however that lasts only for a moment – a state of momentary ‘equilibrium’ enough to create hope and spark delusions of success and a worthwhile future ...for the winners
This ‘balance’ is in relation to the system only, the Big Brother as Money that controls both the Haves and the Have-Nots; this balance is never to the benefit of All at the same time, let alone at all times. 
And so the ‘law of balance’ is but a fraud to trick those in pursuit of enlightened self-interest at the cost of those that cannot even dream of such, so desperate is their condition. Such ‘balance’ can only exist in the context of polarity, for a fleeting moment; and while the elite indulge in delusions of grandeur and alleged ‘spirituality’, half the world is left to suffer hunger, starvation, famine, violence.

In this current system of WAR we are all enslaved by each-other through our mere participation in the fabricated Meta-reality and our role on the ‘chessboard’ that assigned to us at birth. The System gladly sacrifices the pawns for the queen; God save the Queen!

Upon closer inspection it is evident that this Meta-reality is created, defined and pursued through the Mind – the Mind creates value, comparison, competition, be it on individual or other level: racial, religious, national, cultural, ethnic etc.

The Mind is WAR.
And while we are busy in/as the Mind engaged (or rather trapped) in inner and outer conflicts and the infinite search for the personal ‘jackpot’ that will make of one the ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ of the night/day/year/lifetime and will guarantee one’s ‘ascension’… we disregard, abuse, exploit and deplete the Physical, the Raw, the Source of ourselves as our Nature – both as our physical bodies and our physical world, our earth, the one actual reality we share.

WAR is Mind: We kill in the name of ‘god’, we kill in the name of beliefs - fabrications to paint reality with, based on opinions, ideas and value-statements ABOUT Reality rather than what is here in fact. 
In WAR, there is zillions of Meta-realities in separation and conflict, each one fighting to ‘win’, to ‘survive’; 
and so we exist against each-other, in fear of each-other – while disregarding the RAW physical reality as what is here; the One reality we all share as our Oneness Here.

It can be seen clearly: without the recognition, the respect and the care of our Equality as who we are in our RAW nature, which is the Physical reality – our Oneness is one of abuse, exploitation, deception, competition, WAR.

And while we fight, we do not LIVE – and are thus the reverse thereof: EVIL –
and while we fight, all life suffers the consequences of our self-righteous insanity.
While we are at WAR, we cannot be equal to the RAW of life as source, as substance, as the foundation of ourselves as life here.

ART by Jessica Arias

It is worth investigating all the ways we make WAR – and Stop – Stop War in all ways and return to the RAW of reality Here, to bring forth actual evolution, self-willed, and best for All in all ways.
Equality will bring forth Quality of Life; a Oneness that is in fact a Whole, a Together-ness, a With-each-other and for-All.

It is the first time in the history of mankind that we stand before such opportunity. The acceleration of time and technology no longer allows us to deny that it is possible to create a solution for this mess, a solution brought forth by ourselves in self-responsibility, in self-honesty as life. No god, UFOs or aliens required. No masters, for it is the end of all slavery; if we will it!

Stand Up!

Dare to Care 
and do the research:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Religion = Mind = Evil

Religion = Mind = Evil

All religions are based on the same principle: a ‘morality’ that does not stem from the value of Life, but comes from ideas of ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ that are said to make one person ‘better’ or  ‘more’ than another.

All religion, worship or following has the potential to be/become fanatic, extremist, fatal – because it adheres to principles of separation, hierarchy, comparison, self-righteousness: this is the essence of WAR;

and that is EVIL.

Time to STOP this insanity!

ART by Jessica Arias

Time for a re-education of humanity in values of life, not of mind. A rich history of ‘great minds’ has proven that nothing can come from the past. No ‘great mind’ has come up with ACTUAL solutions for this world, or it would have already become a better place. It is not.

Let me give an example of ‘mind’:
“One who is not disturbed by anything material has reached immortality” – Vivekananda

This is how in spirituality the word and mind is (ab)used to ‘justify’ the separation, the hierarchy, the worshiping, the hoping and waiting; to ‘justify’ why there’s no actual practical solutions to the world’s conditions  to affect All that is Here;
instead one entertains oneself with self-delusions of grandeur and ‘immortality’ while Billions suffer and starve.

This is sick!

One who is not disturbed by anything material has reached ZOMBIEhood!

And see – only if one has one’s basic needs met -which takes money in this world- is one able to entertain such ‘wisdom’. But if we look at the history of mankind, if we look around, ‘wisdom’ has not produced a better world for all. THERE IS A PROBLEM.
The mind focuses on the differences between us and fights for a 'special place' in the universe - while the sun shines for all equally.

Where there is a problem there is a solution as well.

We as humanity are able to re-educate ourselves to start focusing on that which we all have in common - to see and recognize that we are all here on common ground, Earth, with a common interest, Life - common sense!

With the Equal Money System we propose an entire transformation of our world from the inside out, with our own hands, to once and for all stop abuse and separation, provide for All that is Here, and re-align our systems and relationships based on the value of Life.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Of Man and God and Planet Earth: The Image and Likeness of Here in the Process of Humanity


ART by Ann van den Broeck

‘God’ is ‘Equality & Oneness’.

Equality & Oneness is the outflow of ‘who we are’ in every moment.

This is how god is omnipotent and omnipresent.

God is showing man what man has become.

God is mirroring man back to self.

God is neither good nor evil, but simply everything that is Here as the consequence of everything that is Here.

Thus god is all-times at all times.

God is the image and likeness of Here.

God is enslaved by man. God is what man is.

Can God save man?


Man can save itself.

...“There is no way but through god”...

Man can be ‘god’.

Man can Stop closing its eyes and ears to the consequences of ‘who I am’, Stop denying the consequences of man’s thoughts, words and deeds throughout Time – and take Responsibility for What is Here.

Man can save itself through ‘god’ = through Equality & Oneness.

Why does man separate itself from God?

Why does man separate itself from what is Here?

Why does man separate itself from itself and each-other?

Why does man seek comfort in knowledge of books, when all knowledge is Here within and as who we are, within and as the cycles of history, the trap of time, the pain and suffering within and without.

Why does man not Give comfort to all equally?

Why does man not Give, when man wants to Get?

Why does man compete, when all men are equal in image and likeness?

Why does man deceive itself into ‘seeking for the One’, when each one is ‘the One’ – the one to breathe in order to live, the one to give in order to get, the one to stand up so as not to fall.

Why does man deceive itself into ‘looking for something out there’, when everything is Here.

Why is man not god in fact?

Why is man worshipping false gods?

Why is man self-righteous, when this only brings war, pain, suffering?

Why is man not learning from the lessons of life?

Why does man abdicate life through abdicating its equality and oneness as life?

Why does man seek to be superior, though in fact inferior, to life?

Why does man always have to win, when that implies that others must lose?

Why is man not truly its brother’s keeper?

Why does man deny life through its lust for profit, through greed, through con science.

Why does man abdicate godhood through false humbleness, deceiving even itself into mind sets of powerlessness, fear, delusion.

Why does man not stand up to its demons that make man a de-man, less than, inferior to what man can be as god.

Why is man subject to polarity, shown by the existence of man’s ‘inner struggle’ as well as life and death, and will the cycles end should man stand-up and stop its bipolar delusion?

How can man ever dis-cover what is real, when man is infinitely busy covering up the truth of itself through beautiful lies and justification?

How can man be a just custodian to earth and the animal kingdom when man exists in self-justification?

Why does man distract itself into self-destruction?

How can man change its desteni?

How can man elevate itself from de-man to man-kind?

Is anyone coming to save us?


There is no other way but to Stand-Up and Walk through the eye of the needle – there is no other way but Equality & Oneness = that is for man to face oneself and stand up for life as life.

Self-Actualization in self-awareness as Life = as all as one as equal – Here.

Within this, we change our Here through changing ourselves.

We change the effect by changing the cause, we change the end by changing the beginning – through creating a new beginning with a new starting-point: What is best for All = LIFE.

We change self-interest by transcending self as ego and re-creating self as life, as all as one as equal.

Then self-interest is equal for all – LIFE HERE – Common interest, on Common ground, in Common sense.

ART by Bastian Neumann
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