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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beautiful People are born from Ugliness | Really? Do we need War to birth Peace?

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen”  - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

So what is implied here is that struggle and abuse is required in order to cultivate strength of character – instead of realizing the simple principle of character as principle: principles that are based on common sense, the value of life and the self-clarity or should we say sanity to not accept or allow abuse NO MATTER WHAT.
It is an indication of EGO wanting to justify struggle, pain, abuse in this world with the concept that THAT is what makes people beautiful, strong, better. It is saying that good can only exist through polarity. What is then the point of the endless war between good and bad? Can anyone ever really win? Or is the whole point damned to eternal re-cycling, with only some feeling BETTER about themselves for a moment, the moment they can say or think “hey what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.
Victims of rape, abuse, violence may occasionally stand up and speak out and be strong – but what about the thousands or millions of silent victims that never share their story, that grow up to turn the tables ad be abusers just for the sake of balancing out the equation.

Do you need hurt to find compassion?
Do you need struggle to find peace?
Do you need violence to find gentleness?
Do you need loss to find fulfilment?
If this has been ‘your way’ then the best thing to do is understand that the world that allows fur this kind of bipolar conditions: is the consequence of the system we have accepted to run our lives, our world; it is the effect of our cause, equal and one; a reflection of who we are and how we co-exist.

To defend this polarity and USE it to justify one's belief-systems and validate violence, abuse and the exploitation of life as something that is “part of life” and a “lesson to learn” that “makes you stronger” because that is how you can feel better about yourself or because that is the only way you believe those in struggle find their strength – is ludicrous, is selfish, is EGO, is INSANE.

Let's have a closer look at what it is that is actually being cultivated through such belief-system:

the establishment of injustice and inequality as “just how things are”; the excuse for using blame, projection and pointing fingers at others without understanding how they as all of us have been created through this system of polarity where we are forced to struggle and compete against each-other to supposedly EARN the right to life, to supposedly WIN the race, the human race that is a nazi against itself.

What is being cultivated is the need for and the apparent ‘normality’ of finding 'justice' through separation, through self-gratification, through vengeance, through polarization. Instead of realizing that there can be no justice in this current system/world as we know it: we require a total-new structure to support life in this world, and to do that we have to start thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX we have created/accepted/allowed - OUTSIDE the 'rules' and 'laws' we conduct our existence by. We have to stop fighting for our limitations.

The statement quoted further implies that pain, struggle, loss: is the only way to find understanding, depth, appreciation, beauty.
Existing within such a belief-system, what are the consequences?

One will justify abuse; one will justify suffering; one will continue to create religions and hierarchies; one will continue to create ‘heroes’ and ‘martyrs’, placing them on pedestals, making more people wanna be like them...
One will continue to allow atrocity in this world and call it 'learning lessons' despite no one ever learning anything (because obviously nothing is changing and history is only repeating); one will create ‘martyrdom’ as ‘purpose’, as way of life, in fact as a way to be ‘special’ and ‘gain’ appreciation and some ‘self-worth’...

Is all that not selfish? Is that all in fact not a self-imposed depreciation of oneself as life, a depreciation of life itself!

Such belief-system is clearly a false view of reality based in the self-deception of EGO; painting a beautiful picture to not see the abuse we are existing in, to not have to take responsibility for the atrocity we allow in this world, to not have to wake-up from our denial and stand-up to STOP.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cult of Holy Spirit/Spear-it/Spare-it | Is it truly Wholly ?

Wholly Spirit

The holy spirit is 
wholly as
the breath of life - 
as the life that all 
living beings share - 
We all breathe the same air.

There is no requirement or necessity to separate oneself from this life force and call it 'god' or whatever.
The only reason to do that would be the intention to abdicate responsibility to such projected entity - to not have to be accountable for our creation here.

It is insane:
the human seeks 'power' (directly or unconsciously) - and yet abdicates the very power as life that comes with breathing here - the responsibility for life, for all that is here.

Equality is in fact the 'highest' a living being can be.

Within equality one can be anything, yet is not limited to something, which one apparently 'own' or 'possess' and has to 'protect' against others or 'prove' as worthy or valuable through self-righteousness.

Self-honesty is required to let go of ego and Stand as Life - as a self-willed equal to all that is here - as one, as whole, here, as self-directive principle.

We can ALL be truly wholly.
All together and each one individually.

The Holy Spirit as 'god' is like a cult. All cults are mind fabrications claiming 'grandeur' and 'exclusivity'.
Life is All-Inclusive.
The Sun is Here for All. Nature knows no boundaries.

Why is Man not Equal as the Sun/Son?
Because of the want/need/desire for 'something more'?

Why does man not BECOME 'more' in fact -Earth could be Heaven for All if man will it-, instead of making-it up in the 'mind' where it becomes 'mine', possession, delusion, enslavement... and we keep on 'mining' for 'more'...!

'Mind the gap'.

Rather Breathe Here. 
Let's Walk in Awareness on the Souls/Soles of our Feet - facing Self, as all that is here. 
Rather become the Wholly Spirit of Life, Equal as the Value of Life: in Dignity and mutual Respect; Worthy of Life, Worthy of each-other, Worthy of the Air we breathe.

Self-Willed Equals will Free ourselves and Life as who we are from the enslavement of this human consciousness that is of separation, suppression, 'superior'-obsession, supposed 'profession'.


Instead of secretly, in the mind, following what one 'beLIEve' and 'hold dear' in self-righteousness and in fear - Rather be one vote for LIFE - Speak up, speak out, shout it out loud! LIVE!

Join Reality: Here are Human Beings Standing up to realize self.response.ability for What is Here - within this creating a new desteni for Humanity, as man-kind in fact, in actuality.

‎"The only soul of value is the sole of your feet that take you breath by breath to walk in the shoes of each other and take care of each other as if it is yourself -- then the soul/sole is nurtured and valuable and supported and supportive" 
‎"See the inbreath as accepting life and the outbreath as giving life -- it must be equal --
as you receive you give
thus -- the trees live on our outbreath and we live on the outbreath of the trees" 
- Bernard Poolman

‎"...human beings have defended the ‘right to believe whatever I want’ as a form of self righteousness that stems from our delusion of apparently having ‘free choice’ and ‘free will’ in this reality, which are only but a pair of aspects that we’ve debunked within this process of Self Honesty. While walking it, we see and realize that we are subjects of a preprogrammed reality, endowed with preprogrammed features to create the faux perception that we are ‘free to think’ whatever the hell we want – we can! yes, though from thinking to reality there’s a huge step missed: the physical-living and tangible reality we are realizing ourselves as. 
Within this, the mind conjectures become invisible ‘food for thought’ that serves no purpose in the physical reality, but allowing each being to remain as an enclosed bubble of thinking processes justifying and excusing itself of how thinking is ‘at least’ the self-righteous act wherein we ‘make the rules’. Hmm." 
- Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Demilitarization | No more wars

Why is the End of all war the only way to LIFE?

We can only change things through and as 'who we are' and how we co-exist. If we exist within war and separation -- how will that ever change this reality, this world?

We are seeing everywhere on Earth that protests, resistance, separation and the attempts of 'cleaning' the status quo through violence or force bring nothing in the end, no actual change; because the starting-point is not self-realization and the taking of responsibility for/as what is here as all as one as equal; but rather blame, finger-pointing, separation : in other words war.

The same principle is valid for the individual self-realization/purification process of each being. As long as we exist in a state of 'war' within ourselves and our interactions, this world will be one of war. One is only able to purify the mind by actually changing the being - realizing in self-honesty what we have become and what has been accepted and allowed within the 'hierarchy' on earth and all the 'hierarchies' and 'power-games' in the mind.

Thus the change must be self-willed, in actuality, through 'man know thyself' and taking responsibility.

Therefore the 'purifying' of our world - equal and one with the purifying of ourselves - can only be done in equality to and full responsibility of 'what is here'; it is done in actuality as we walk, in every breath, as we live the solution into creation, into beingness, as 'who we are'.

Demilitarization is the way to go if there's gonna be a future for Humanity.

The question is: will man be kind and brave enough? or will cowardice drive us?
Weapons are only needed in our desperate attempt to hide our inFeariority through an imposed or projected superiority. Amazing Disgrace - the Human Race. It's time to STOP.

Are we EVIL or do we LIVE ?
Where is Life in this world and Where are We in every moment ?
How long will we continue accepting this insanity of existence ? And what could be an actual solution ?

Investigate the principle of Equality; equality & oneness, the actual principle through which we all are facing ourselves Here : our 'Here' being equal to what we have become.
We are always facing 'who we are'.

It is time for Man(to-be)Kind to Stop the insanity and change the accepted 'human nature' that creates/sustains systems that harm life.
It is time to Stop existing as parasites and consider actual change.

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