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Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Crisis & a (good-old) Happy New Fear

...The TV channels documenting the New Year celebrations around the world with bright lights, glitter and glamour, accompanied by the good-old new year tunes that get into your ear like worms –
All this is showing one thing only:

The System is celebrating itself, symbolically firing its Grid around the world, into an infinite trap year in year out, spreading Hope & Wishes of Peace and Prosperity while clearly the ones that this message is able to reach are so comfortably numb, they don’t even require further drugging.

The System is wishing itself Many Happy Returns and many good slaves that never question, never dare, never give-up the Hope for a jackpot in the Big Wheel of fortune called ‘life’. The fair is unfair yet everyone buy the bill; There is no choice, you always play the game.

The System is celebrating itself in SPITE of the suffering that is existent; in SPITE of the fact that a Child dies every 5 seconds while there is enough in this world for All; in SPITE of the global dis-ease that is evident in other life forms, life forms upon which the human is actually dependent – water, air, flora, fauna.

Be happy, smile, don’t forget to show everyone how wonderful life is and how much you love them, and what a good person you actually are.
Don’t question anything, don’t call things by their name – Submit to the Fear, let the Crisis scream its cries through the mouths of Others, while you do your best to not hear.

Merry Crisis & good-old happy new Fear!
Get on the Merry-go-Round, Pay, Pray, Prey!
Another one bites the dust that no-one will remember, while the living Dead deceive themselves and each-other into believing the fake shiny ‘meaning’ we give to things, blinded by the ‘light’, to not have to see, to not have to hear, to not have to stand-out, stand-up, Stop.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Self in the context of the World


"...We live through our lives in our reality, this one life that we have, and we get to the end of it and what's left is a disabled physical that is completely drained of everything that it once was, roaming in memories of energetic remembrances and – we basically just become a nostalgic replay of what our life once was...
in the end becoming what we've always been, simply a meat-sack that supports an energetic existence within a realm of thought, where nothing that we lived, nothing that we did, nothing of who we are had any relevance, any significance or any impact on anything or anyone but the creation of our own death, and we a die a forgotten soul... while the rest of existence remain hypnotized within the momentary profanity of seeking the next ‘high’, and eventually just getting to the same point the end of it all wondering what was the point of it all...
And we ask the question with regards to what is life, why are we here, what are we doing here – all the questions about our own existence – and the fact that all those questions are coming up are obviously indicating we are not life, we are not living – and the reason we can’t find a reason or purpose is because there isn’t any; We haven’t actually lived any real reason or any real purpose into and as this reality.

So what we are suggesting within Desteni, within self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application, the equal money system – it’s bringing the whole aspect of Self AND the world-system into an equal and one starting-point stand – wherein we are no more just these meat-sacks of thought, wondering through reality just creating consequence and harm for ourselves and others, living from one ‘high’ to the next, eventually depleting ourselves to the point where we die a long time before we actually physically die; lived into and through a world-system that merely support survival and self-interest, where only a select few survive; Most of the world is not at all supported within the current world system.

So these two very significant points of change: Self and this world-system, this money-system = with changing those two points we change this entire existence and our self-experience within it. Thus, we suggest considering that we are able to make this reality and ourselves an experience of permanence – Creating and establishing Trust, wherein we are able to establish a reality where we can actually live and actually explore what it means to live, what life is as ourselves; and within that what it all means as an actual living expression within oneness and equality.
So we change ourselves, we change the money-system = we change this existence, we change the world; And then the Answer to what life is, why are we here, what is the reason and purpose and what is the point – can thus be answered through us LIVING the answers.”

by Sunette Spies for Desteni

Monday, December 20, 2010

...from Ego-Money to Equal-Money

...a true revolution is busy happening with every breath we take; an evolution from Ego-Money to Equal-Money - for equal rights, equal power and a dignified life for all. this is the future we want, a world where the value of life is life,

the desteni of the universe is determined by all and everything that is here in every moment; that leaves us with no-one to blame and nothing to hope for outside of ourselves. SELF-responsibility and SELF-honesty is key to a new agreement for man(to-be)kind.
self-honesty entails 'what is best for all' because self-honesty stems from the realization that self = life = all = equal.
SELF-equality and the transcendence of our polarity-based ego is the key for equality in our world as co-existence.

equal-money is the transcendence of ego-money, and an equal money system will significantly support the transcendence of ego, as ego is always based in separation and polarized as fear and the desire for power.

what is clear is that we need a new desteni for mankind, because if humanity were to meet its fate, it is a very dark age that awaits us.
forgiveness does not remove consequence.
self-forgiveness is a declaration of self-responsibility: to realize that we reap what we saw and each one is alone responsible. self-forgiveness allows one to walk through the consequences in dignity as breath, make a stand and change oneself for-real.
no other forgiveness exists.
for actual change in the world - actual change of the individual is required, self-willed and for real.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rebellion & Standing-Up in Self-Honesty

"in self-honesty self = life = all = equal"
...that does not imply something 'beautiful'

in fact it implies to see what we have accepted and allowed to become of 'life' as we exist here - and realize that we ARE all we see, all we judge, all we fear - we are creating it through our mere existence, we give permission for 'life' to exist as the world 'as we know it' through what we accept and allow in every moment of breath as we participate and interact in this 'reality', within and without.

self-honesty is not a 'pretty sight' -
when we 'see', we first encounter the layers of atrocity we have allowed as ourselves and this world. self-honesty is then to realize "This is not acceptable" - "this is not who I really am, not what I want to be, not what I want my children to exist within and as" - and investigate to understand "how the fuck we got here"

self-honesty is to realize that for the world to change, self must change
WE must change as how we exist within ourselves and how we co-exist with each-other

self-honesty is to recognize how we've been duped and deceived and 'educated' into make-belief worlds that are designed to keep this system running, a system that is not caring for all life, not caring for life at all.
and then to stand-up and stand equal to what is here and empower ourselves to empower each-other to empower a new system for this world - a system that will care for all equally.

then we as humanity may practically and in actual fact move from self = life = all = equal = FUCKED-UP-NESS & LIMITATION & LIES self = life = all = equal = FUN & FREEDOM & EXPRESSION

when 'Here' is not enough, go 'Super-Here-o'...?

(or: Self-Honesty Here & Super-Hero Out There)

in self-honesty self = life = all = equal
the only factor that determines 'difference' is space-time
the difference however is not in the 'value'
the value is equal - because the value of life is life

self-honesty implies and entails equality as what is best for all life -
within that there is no place for ego, as ego is an inferiority-persona dressed-up as super-hero that seeks separation from the whole in order to be 'special'

life excludes nothing and nobody
it is the ego that exclude itself from life

will man be able to re-define life as COMMON SENSE and itself as EQUAL?
an existence HERE - with no gods, no masters, no slaves;
only self-mastery as self-creation as life as equality = as best for all;
a new ecosystem equal to and one with a self-realized eco-logical man-kind = COMMON SENSE for re.all!

it's up to you & me

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fascism & Super-Hero Mental-I-ties

what is the Mental-I-tie of a Super-Hero : the super-hero secretly suffers of inFeariority. it is not enough to be ‘here’, it must be ‘super-here-o’.

fascism is the desperate attempt to impose an apparent 'superiority' - when in fact that very movement indicates 'inferiority' and an existence of Fear.
hate and spitefulness are polarity manifestations of envy and fear.

that is why equality is the key – within as without.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

GREED Can't Feed

GREED is what became of human-nature – the marriage of desire and fear --- the bipolar Oneness of the civiLIEzed...

GREED --- a statement implied or tacit that Self is not the Source, is not Life, is not One – but is in a lesser position, a position of Lack, a possession of Lack, possessed by Lack, a mental dis-order.

So Greed is equal to Lack.
GREED – a ‘lacky marriage’ manifest, playing-out as constant unsatisfied desire and fear of un-fulfilment; Fear of the very con-dition of Lack one has created in one’s own mind system.

GREED the nature of a system: a system must feed on something – a system requires energy. The human: a vampire system.
V for Vampire and Greed for God.
The Consuming is Consumed in Consumption.
....a Con-Sum man has become,
Instead of being Whole-Sum
as All
as One
as Equal
as Life
Time to kill
the ill will
of existence
and Self Realize Life

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Protection of Information Bill awakes ghost of “1984” in South Africa of 2010

“1984” in South Africa of 2010: Secrets Bill & Govt Deafness

The need for transparency and equal access to information is becoming more and more evident as South African policy leans towards a state of affairs that reminds of 1984.
“The Bill is taking away the rights of the public to know and hold those in power accountable”.
Fascinating how something like Information Control, used for nepotism, corruption cover-up and capital control is sold to the public as a “Protection of Information Bill”.

Organizations like The Right2Know Campaign (R2K) stand against the government’s “Protection of Information Bill”.
More than 30 researchers in the field of HIV/AIDS signed a petition against the proposed Bill. The petition was published in the South African Mail & Guardian (15 to 21 October 2010).

I support an Equal Money System based in the equality equation of What’s Best for All. A new equality system based in the value of Life will not only stop corruption, secrecy and the hierarchy structures of ‘elitist power’ – it will also support and protect the transparency of information in all fields, enabling transparent data banks and world libraries available to all, supporting and encouraging real research and the cross-reference of studies. This will in turn support Equal Education and self-motivation and will allow the world citizen to be informed and involved in any field of interest.
We want a world of accountable, self-willed Equals – No gods, no masters, no slaves.
Join us at Desteni and be a vote for world equality, a building block for an Equal Life Foundation where Life is the highest value, the value any future system must be based on: to manifest a world system of actual life-support that will enable a Dignified Life for All.
Given the current condition of the world, we see an Equal Money System as the necessary first step to world equality. Equal Money will transform the value money and equalize power through re-defining our value-system based in LIFE. Everybody must be in a position where self-empowerment is possible. An Equal Money System will facilitate the human realization of life on this one planet we all share.
Do the research:

Friday, October 29, 2010

A New Individuality for New World ALLitics

No actual individuality exists currently really.
If one self-honestly observe, it is obvious that we all exist within the same patterns – as variations of patterns in a bipolar world – merely clones of our forefathers and everybody else. Not only movies and rock stars repeat… even history is repeating and that at least should be recognized as an indication of our ‘stuck-ness in a trap’; An infinite time-loop on a blue planet with a humanity driven by fear and controlled through a value-system of polarity – surviving instead of living.

Self-empowerment requires self-will and the self-honesty to see what it is that is actually keeping one from supporting self as life: Apart from the ego consciousness and the power-games of ‘superiority’/‘inferiority’, in this physical reality self-support / self-sustainability is impossible when one’s physical needs are not met.
As physical beings, our needs entail physical resources – and although there is enough for all in this world at this very moment, not all have access to what is here. Money has become the ‘god’ that decides who lives and who dies – and our so-called individuality has so far been of no help when it comes to breaking down the walls that bind us and bringing-forth a real solution for this world that will stand the test of time.
Is it because individuality has so far been based in fear? InFeariority – which one try to cover-up with a ‘superior’ make-up, a made-up personality that is always in competition, desire to be ‘more’ while it fears being ‘less’… Fear of survival, fear of loss, fear of each-other, fear of oneself? The desire for power and the lack of trust in oneself and each-other – all that as starting-point of ‘self’ has resulted into a human race that is unable to support self and each-other and take care of its common ground – Earth.

All ‘power’ witnessed in this world is fake – it is based in polarity, it is a cover-up for fear, for cowardice, for indignity and separation.

The only ‘real power’ in this world is Money – not because money is real but because man has created money as god that has real impact on people’s life and death. Money the holy spirit – a demonic spirit in the image and likeness of man, that became evil in nature, equal and one to its creator – man: an evil ‘god’ that allows half the world to suffer, as long as its ‘own’ is ‘safe from harm’.
That is our ‘individuality’ today.
What we fail to see and recognize in this bipolar world, is that all is suffering from the same conditions – and the suffering is self-inflicted, accepted and allowed, tolerated or simply given permission for through inaction and ignorance.

At Desteni we explore, test and document practical solutions for the insanity of this mess age – solutions both individual as well as collective that can be practically lived and applied by everybody and all together – solutions from the starting-point of equality and oneness of life – to stop abuse, stop separation, stop polarity, and stand-up as self-willed individuals that care for the whole equally as self. A new self is emerging, a new individuality – to stop the horror in fact and actualize our world as life as oneness and equality in an eco-system of actual life-support for ALL.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

On SELF-REALization & Money (MAN-ey)

'self' is not about a concept - it's about who we are, who one is -
'self' is what we have accepted and allowed to become of 'us' and this world equally - and it is from here that we must stand-up in SELF-responsibility

Desteni is a group of people establishing an internet platform for the transcendence of 'self'
as 'all as one as equal' to practically live self-honesty and self-responsibility ---
what does that mean:
it means that when one is purifying and re-defining the accepted ways and definitions one has been existing within and living as 'ho one is' - one take into consideration all as one as equal, so that the 'correction' one script and live is 'valid' for all life equally, as what's best for all.

even if the current condition of the world does not really support this realization - one can look at the following equation:
if self as 'who i really am' is life, then self = life = all = equal
and also self=me=you=the world

this equation place the word 'self-responsibility' in a context that shows what Desteni is about - in terms of a 'concept' if you wanna call it that - plus add the point of practical application, which is what Desteni emphasize: that knowledge without application is useless, and that how we live and co-exist create this world.

what is also evident within this, is that the problems we, both individually and as humanity, are facing, stem from a value-system of polarity, on which we base not only our entire perceptual and defined reality, but also our structural reality as the world-system = the money-system.
consequently, money decides who lives and who dies in this world - and we are all equally responsible because we accept and allow the établissment of such con value-system, while the real value=life is being exploited and abused.

throughout history, our practical application as human beings has obviously been that of survival, from the starting-point of fear and separation.
at Desteni we stand-up to practically and in-fact change that starting-point as self as all as one as equal - and therefore change the world as we know it to be a place of actual life-support - where we can stop surviving against each-other, stop existing in fear of each-other, and finally start Living - as life, as equals, as one.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Good & Evil and Money in the World Today

there is no 'good' but the practical living application of self standing-up as life, within oneself and within one's world, in self-honesty, self-acceptance, self-trust, and willing self to walk in this world in a way that supports actual self-empowerment for life as all as one as equal.

we as the Desteni group realize that we all are the products of the circumstances we are born into. which implies that all are born of systems and formed by systems - systems that are not of life, that are not life-supportive; systems that are run and controlled by money and that have only one purpose to satisfy: money. money has become god - the very thing that decides who lives and who dies in this world.
we also realize that the system can only exist through agreement - through direct or implied acceptance.

therefore we walk the active process of investigating what have we actually been accepting and allowing and giving permission for in our world through 'who we are' within and what we participate-in in our world - who we are within all our relationships.

because our relationships are the building-blocks of our world - and the consciousness polarity constructs of 'superiority' and 'inferiority' we allow ourselves to exist within and as = are the very essence of the energies that lead to war and animosity in this world.
we also realize that such constructs are of the mind, conditioned and accepted, based in definitions we developed of ourselves and each-other/our world.

when in-fact we as life-essence are all equal and equally valuable.
this equality is the basic principle we stand for and as - and the basic principle of an equal money system as we propose it.

we could theoretically 'lay back' and just 'live our life' - but we realize we can't. because who we are is life, and life is suffering, life is in pain, life is being abused and violated.
(wouldn't it be eviL to be here and not Live - Live and make sure everybody else can live as well)
given the current situation of our world where we see history repeating and humanity not getting over itself - we see ourselves responsible through direct or implied agreement to the world's conditions. we see that we can't wait for others to change or anyone to save our asses, nor can we trust the current leaders of this world to do what is best for all.

we also realize that the world reflects who we are inside/who we have become - and therefore we walk a process of self-purification to take back the power we've abdicated to systems (within and without) and stand as equals of life to give back dignity to ourselves and our world.

there can be no higher purpose to this existence but man's self-empowerment as life as the ability to live together and co-exist in this one reality without harming each-other, without exploiting each-other and without limiting/enslaving each-other.

that would be real power as life - in self-empowerment.
equal money for all in a new equality system, i.e. within a new re-defined value-system that acknowledges life as the actual value: will make sure everybody is capable of self-empowerment.

because 'power' as defined within the world-system - this 'power' that is based in the 'superiority'-'inferiority' polarity con - is not real. neither is 'superiority' or 'inferiority' real as such; they are perceived and relative 'values', made 'real' through make-believe and participation in the definitions created, accepted and given permission for, and supported through the current money-system.
this seemingly 'natural' point as existent in the small scale within how we interact in our relationships - is the same point that escalates in wars and self-destruction in the bigger scale.

obviously we are dealing here with the transcendence of what we call 'human nature' - which firstly implies to take self-responsibility for what we have accepted and allowed 'human nature' to be.
this is obviously the biggest challenge mankind and humanity as a whole has ever faced in known history - and perhaps at this point we owe our gratitude to the technological advancement that emerged from our existence (but that in itself is a whole other point to go-into).

in practical common sense, there can be no higher purpose for man other than to stand as an equal of life, to stand as a living-being in self-dignity and acknowledge that for all other beings equally.
that will allow for real 'power' as life - where no fear exists or need exist - only then will actual freedom be here as 'who we are'.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Equality is simple math

1 + 1 = 2
This is the Equation of Equality. It cannot get any more simple than this.
When each 1 is equal and supporting each as 1 self. Then there are now 2. This is ’group equality’. The more each 1 supports the group the more the group grows as 1. Each one in the group is individual yet equal.
The way the current system works is thus:
Some have money = +1
Some are in debt = -1
According to the current money system, You are only 1 and you only have 1 life. So your value in the system is either +1 or -1 (or Zero if you have no money/no means of making money).
Our reality will be what it could be if there is even on -1 in the equation.
The very best our current system could equal is zero, with everything balancing out.
But at the worst – it can become extremely negative.
Now, ask yourself: If I were to add up all the people in debt or with no money, would this number be bigger or smaller or the same as the number of people with money?
Consider that 1% of the world population owns 1/2 of the wealth.
Imagine 1 person with half a chicken to eat for dinner. Then next to him/her a group of 99 people with the other 1/2 of the chicken to share between them.
Doesn’t seem Equal does it?
Our system is not balanced and will never be balanced.
The only way to build a better reality is through the unification of equals: 1 + 1 = 2
Do the math.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


MA t H
MA : the mother, the support, the nurturer
and yet - the 'brilliant math' of the modern world did not bring-forth a practical solution to support all life equally.
we use math to calculate ourselves into space and make assumptions about the universe... :O
- but we don't seem capable of doing the simple math of what it takes to enable a dignified life for ALL beings on this ONE planet.

fascinatingly enough:
Greece, where big mathematicians, cosmologists and philosophers established much of today's systems, is finding itself today in vast economic problems and seemingly unable to come-up with real solutions, be it in politics, economics, education or in the most simplistic '1+1=2 relationships'; even 'neighborly respect' seems 'too hard a task' to pursue... :0

there is a problem - do the simple math.

mediTation - mediCation

in the new age mainstream, meditation is like medication:
it promise you it will 'life the veil' - but is in fact only adding veils, numbing-out reality with some self-created 'bliss'

interestingly enough we meditate on 'oneness' - yet no-one wonders why one doesn't feel the pain of the world - no-one ever questions the 'bliss' in the face of the suffering that exists

goes to show how 'uncommon' common sense is - and how much our mind has been conditioned, that we don't even come-up with the questions that would unfold the answers we're looking for

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Refuse to remain Quiet

The importance of Writing

In the Bible, the importance of writing and the power it holds is emphasized by the ten commandments.

Laws in written form are the basis of systems that automate society.

In this it is recommended to develop an active blog with regular contributions of your journey as you discover how what man has written and accepted as law in this world has formed our society into a controlled system where few need to do anything. as the laws drive the system with creating the jobs that uphold the law. The people that drive the written system are held in place through money. Take the money away and they will not do the work.

In blogging investigate with common sense what one person can do in a lifetime to gain common sense perspective how it is possible that we ended in the current mess in this world.

See how writing and publishing is in effect the machine that keep man systematically enslaved – the symbols as letters as words represent what we perceive life is and we regard free choice as sacred through allowing the abuse to continue existing as if the freedom to abuse is acceptable.

For those that write, make sure you tag you writings well and share the links. Those that read – make sure you connect the writings to others.

This will not be a journey without written and verbal conflict – as the interest of wealth and survival is the center of our society that is protected by our written laws and education curriculums.

This will be real labor, as labor is what is done through understanding.

A job is not labor. A job is self betrayal and is done to survive --not to make the world a safe place for all to live in.

Although writing seems small and insignificant --it is writing that has been the foundation of what is here today.

Refuse to remain quiet.

(by Bernard Poolman)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Equality is passport to Real Power

When one starts to deconstruct the pillars of the current money system, it is obvious that the two main driving-forces are ‘profit’ and ‘power’. Of course the pillars of the current system are intertwined and interactive in multidimensional ways. However, investigating the ‘basics’ of how Power and Profit are designed to sustain the polarity that manifests Inequality in this world, already reveals much of what has to change and what it will take.

The Metaphysics of Power and Profit
This environment, this world – is currently a CONsciousness Matrix based in Polarity, constantly balancing itself out, justified through a money-system wherein money is apparently ‘scarce’, when it is in-fact simple common sense that money is man-made and therefore able to be re-defined anytime man decides to do so.
Obviously, as long as man is fixated on Profit as ‘power’ in self-interest, that decision cannot be made.

In the current system of justified Inequality, where most human beings exist in survival-mode and constant fear – the realization that Self = Life = All = Equal takes some self-honesty and guts.
Within that self-realization, it is self-evident that Greed and Self-Interest must be given-up for the sake of Life, for the sake of Humanity – to focus on what it takes to get this world to an actualized condition as 'what's best for all': a Dignified Life for All from birth to death.

Profit is based in Inequality. Profit is in fact a 'value' defined in comparison and fear of loss – based on a one-dimensional ‘point of view’ where one only regards one’s own self-interest in separation from the Whole.

In an Equal Money System: Profit becomes irrelevant. An Equal Money System implies a new practical definition of 'life'/'living' – based on the value of Life. The value of Life is Life - therefore Equality.

An Equal Money System is definitely going to 'force' everyone to face themselves – and many 'things' are going to have to be 'learned' from scratch: self-dignity, self-responsibility, self-motivation, self-drive, self-expression... and the list goes on, as each-one of us and all of us together will have to re-define what Living really means in a world of self-willed Equals that are free to live and express.

The basic Polarity within which this consciousness-system, this world, operates – is the Polarity of: Fear and the Desire for 'Power'.

The Desire for 'Power' already indicates by implication that self perceive self as 'powerless' or that self fears being 'powerless'.
Therefore the system creates 'points of power' for man to 'strive' for – be it education, family/children, status, image, 'influence' – while the 'starting-point' or 'allocation-point' of Man is thereby 'shifted' from Self Here to the Desire for 'Power' and Fear of not achieving it, Fear of Loss.

Fear of Loss and the Desire for 'Power' have become the 'driving-force' of Man; No self-drive, no self-motivation, no self-worth.
Accepting the polarity of Fear and Desire for Power as ‘real’ – Man implicitly accepts his own powerlessness, because 'power' is abdicated to the system of polarity, in separation from Self.

The Power of Self is Here as Self; Yet from the moment of birth into this world – self-alienation begins, for Man to ‘fit into’ the System. So basically, it seems like Man is here to feed the System.
Man powers the System, while he 'seeks' 'power'.

Fascinating: The Design of 'power' disempowers Man.

'Power' as defined of this world is defined within terms of 'superiority' and 'inferiority' – another
'Power' as defined of this world can only exist as long as some are 'superior' and others 'inferior' (perceived, accepted or imposed).

This polarity-design of 'superiority' - 'inferiority' that keeps the System running, is constantly 'validated' through the participation of every single human being in the relationships we create and allow, from the 'small' to the 'big'. This polarity-design is ‘supported’ through ‘competition’ as we learn it in our educations system and ‘comparison’ as the media keep teaching us.

‘Competition’ and ‘comparison’ as systematic mind-manifestations prove how the human-being in this world does not learn self-acceptance, self-worth and self-respect, does not stand as an integral Equal Here, but is taught to be constantly busy in the mind ‘there’, looking for ‘something’ separate from itself, in the projection of which it seeks to find its ‘motivation’, its ‘worth’ and its ‘value’. It is rather pathetic, isn’t it?

If the accepted Polarity-Design is stopped, then 'power' becomes irrelevant; and Fear becomes rather unnecessary.

It is obviously going to take a while to stop this whole design on a global scale; A whole New System is required to do this – a System that is not based in Polarity, but in Equality – like the Equal Money System Desteni suggest.

Individually however, we are able to stop this 'design' within Self. Each one is able to stop oneself from participating in thoughts, beliefs and emotions of polarity, of 'superiority' and 'inferiority', of fear and desire for something 'more', 'better', 'higher', something separate from Self Here. Each one is able to Stand Equal. Equality begins within self. Here is Real Power as Life. Because when Self Stand Here as equal as one: Self Move Self – instead of being moved and directed by fear, desire and thoughts/emotions of uncertainty, inadequacy, greed; instead of being driven by the power-games of this world.

Life needs no 'power' – Life is Here, Life is Equal – and in that, Life IS Power as Life.

Equal Money is the way to Equal Life.

One must consider: When all have 'equal power' – then 'power' as defined of this world will exist no more; The same with Equal Money.
An Equal Money System will give all 'equal power'. The way to Power as Life is Equality.

Polarity must stop, power-games must stop. Too many lives are on the line – a Child dies every 5 seconds, while we Do have the power to stop this.

Freedom of Equality & What freedom is not

Freedom of Equality
Discussion with Bernard Poolman and Darryl Thomas, 17-Mar-10

So to ‘Believe’ you are ‘Enslaved’, implies ‘What’?
Darryl: Someone’s ‘Enslaving’- you or ‘something’.
Bernard: No, that you’re ‘Believing’-it –You don’t ‘know’ ‘that’ for a ‘Fact’- To ‘Claim’ that you ‘Know’ that ‘You’re ‘Enslaved’’, is the same as a ‘Belief’- because If You ‘know’ you are ‘Enslaved’, you’ll ‘Know’ ‘How’ to ‘get-out’ of-it – Then it’s no big ‘Problem’.
Darryl: Right.
Bernard: But as ‘long’-as you don’t know ‘how’ to ‘get-out’ of-it, and to ‘Solve’ the ‘Problem’, you’re still ‘Just’ ‘Believing’ You are ‘Enslaved’, you don’t ‘know’ ‘In-Fact’ ‘How’-it ‘Operates’- To have the ‘Experience’ of ‘Being Enslaved’ and being ‘Unable’ to ‘get-out’ of-it –meaning make a ‘Big-issue’ out of-it, like you will find with your ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ and so on, they make a ‘Big-Hu Ha’ about-it, that’s because: They don’t ‘Know’ ‘How’ to ‘get-out’ of-it, they have an ‘Idea’ they’re ‘Enslaved’, but they don’t ‘Know’ ‘How’ it ‘works’ ‘In-Fact’- and then, instead of Actually ‘Doing’ something about-it, they ‘Create’ a ‘Following’ -They Do Not ‘Act’ ‘In-Fact’- and they ‘Blame’-Others from the perspective of ‘Separation’- And instead-of ‘Pointing-out’ to Others, what is the ‘Problem’ and coming-up with a ‘Solution’ to ‘Solve the Problem’ to Stop the ‘Enslavement’- That Make Sense?

Darryl: yeah.
Bernard: Therefore, the ‘Desire’ for ‘Freedom’-Exist – because, from their ‘Perspective’, there is something-‘wrong’, something that they call ‘Enslavement’- but they also don’t Understand ‘Freedom’, because if you take that ‘Freedom’ and you ‘superimpose’-it on Everybody-else’s ‘Freedom’, then you have ‘Freedom-Equality’ that means, ‘Everyone’ ‘Equally-Free’- No One is ‘Free’ because you have a certain ‘Obligation’, you have a ‘Responsibility’- The ‘Moment’ you are ‘More’-‘Free’ than somebody else = that’s No-longer ‘Freedom’, then it is ‘Control’-The ‘Only’-way where ‘Freedom’ ‘Can’-Exist, is in ‘Equality’. Where ‘All’ is ‘Equally-Free’ in ‘All-Ways’- that’s Only-‘Possible’ in terms-of ‘How’ we are ‘Approaching’ ‘Equality’ to bring-about a ‘Total-Equality’ for ‘All-Life’ in ‘All-Ways’ in ‘All-Dimensions’. From ‘that’-Perspective, ‘Everyone’ then is ‘Free’- but there is a ‘Responsibility’ that ‘goes’-with the ‘Freedom’ where one then also… The ‘Freedom’ You-‘Get’ is the ‘Freedom’ You-‘Give’- So there is an ‘Equal’… I mean there’s a ‘Reality’ of ‘Equality’ ‘Within’ the ‘Freedom’-
Darryl: What about the ‘perceived’ ‘loses’ of ‘Freedom’ when ‘Equality’ is Considered?

Bernard: but ‘those’ ‘Perceived’ ‘Loses’-of ‘Freedom’’ was Never-‘Freedom’, that was where you had ‘Control’ over certain ‘parts’ of your ‘Life’ and therefore you had the ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse- That was Not-‘Freedom’, that’s ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse’. Then you’re gonna-get ‘Freedom’ which is the ‘Freedom of Life’- and the Same-‘Freedom’ Exist for ‘Everyone’ because, If you would ‘like’ ‘Freedom of Abuse’ then you must remember you must ‘also’ give ‘Freedom of Abuse’ to ‘Others’, then you have the same-World you have now, where everything is ‘happening’-through ‘Competition’ and through-‘Abuse’- which is the ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse’- and because you don’t wanna ‘give-up’ your ‘Freedom of Abuse’= You don’t want to look-at ‘Equality’- I mean, you don’t ‘Mind’ being ‘Abused’, then you have the ‘Freedom’ to ‘Abuse’ and then…‘Why’ this ‘Abuse’ gets so-‘Big’? Because One ‘try’ and ‘be’ ‘More’-‘Free’ than the ‘Other’, therefore ‘Abuse’-‘More’ because then your ‘Freedom of Abuse’ is ‘Bigger’- And You are ‘Better’ because: You could ‘Abuse’-‘Better’- Does that ‘Make sense’?

Darryl: They just see it as ‘Free Will’ –‘It’s my ‘Free Will’… for the ‘Pursuit of Happiness’, ‘My happiness’.
Bernard: What-‘is’ ‘Happiness’? ‘Happiness’ at the ‘Cost’ of ‘Another is Not-‘Happiness’. ‘Happiness’ at the ‘Cost’ of ‘Another’ is You ‘Abusing’-‘Another’, and you having the ‘Experience’-of ‘Happiness’ or the ‘Experience’-of ‘Fulfillment’ from somebody-else’s ‘Struggles’, ‘Hardship’, ‘Pain.
Darryl: It’s all Connected.
Bernard: It’s All ‘Connected’-

Darryl: The ‘Pleasure’ I get from going-to Wal-mart to get four pairs of underwear for three dollars is… caused set to the ‘Slave Labor Camp’ that ‘Produced’-it. Bernard: Correct – But, because One is Not-‘Connected’, You are Not-‘Interconnected’ In-‘Fact’- You ‘Exist’-only within your Own ‘Reality’, where you are ‘Pursuing’ that ‘Reality’ to be one of ‘Happiness’, that ‘Reality’ to-be ‘Individualized’ Within that-‘Reality’ you have No-‘Consideration’ for ‘Where’ anything ‘comes-from’.
Darryl: There ‘Has’ to be a ‘Connection’ just because you’re ‘Buying’ something that was made some-place else.

Bernard: There is a ‘Connection’ ‘In-Fact’ but Not according-to ‘You’ within your ‘Reality’ that you have ‘Created’ for Yourself- Within your ‘Pursuit’-of ‘Happiness-Reality’ you are as ‘Happy’ as ‘can-come’- while the ‘Others’ are ‘Suffering’ as much-as ‘Possible’ – Because those ‘two-things’ are Not Directly ‘Connected’, you’re Not ‘going’-through when you’re ‘Touching’ your clothes you’re ‘Buying’, you’re Not-‘Seeing’ ‘How’ it’s ‘Created, You’re Not-‘Seeing’ the ‘Struggle’ that ‘People’ are ‘going-through’- You just ‘look’-at the ‘Prices’ and say ‘God! That is Cheap –it’s ‘Good Quality’, let me Buy-it’- And then you ‘moan’ the moment the ‘Price’ becomes ‘something’ that would have been ‘able’-to ‘Pay’ somebody else’s ‘Income’ as well, then you have a ‘Problem’ because, That is too ‘Expensive’-
Darryl: ‘I’m not as ‘Happy’’.
Bernard: Yes, now you’re No-longer ‘Happy’, you didn’t ‘get’, you didn’t ‘Score’ a ‘Bargain’, you didn’t get something for ‘Free’ to ‘emphasize’ your ‘Free-Will’- which is the whole-‘Point’ of ‘Consumerism’. So now you have certain-‘parts’ of the ‘World’ that ‘Exist’ within what they call ‘Freedom within Consumerism’ - where there’s a lot-of ‘Free’-Stuff which ‘emphasize’ their ‘Free-Will’ and therefore they say they’re the ‘Country’ that’s ‘The Most-‘Free’ on ‘Earth’’- but that’s Not-‘True: You’re the ‘Most-Enslaved’, America: ‘The Most-Enslaved’.

Darryl: Everything’s in Reverse. So, with our ‘Pursuit’ of ‘Happiness’ we’re just Actually ‘Pursuing’ our own ‘Un-fulfillment’ and… quiet desperation.
Bernard: the ‘Person’ that is in ‘Poverty’ has ‘more’ ‘Self-Reflective’ ‘Benefit’ from their ‘Existence’, than ‘those’ that has ‘Great-Wealth’ - Because the moment You-‘Have’ ‘Great-Wealth’, what happens? You immediately starts to ‘Fear’ you’re going-to ‘Lose’-it-and there Your ‘Fear’-‘Grows’- and you start to Not-‘Trust’ anyone ‘around’-you because ‘they might want your ‘Money’’- Obviously they want your ‘Money’, I mean, ‘How’ did you ‘get-it’? You ‘took’-it from Somebody-‘else’, they must ‘Take’-it from-‘You’, it’s Inevitable! It’s just slowly ‘creeping’-up where you don’t ‘Expect’-it. Wonderful!
Darryl: Yeah.
Bernard: To Be ‘Equal’ to Your-Freedom instead of have Freedom-Equal for Everyone: there Is a Big-Difference...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Energy, Science & Self

...On Energy, Science & Self

"Every Human-Being can feel various states of Energy, and when it is measured by Science, its measured by a Machine -
What does the Machine measure? Variations in Currency, in Frequency. Isnt it strange that something so common - happening to every Human-Being every day in so many different ways, cannot be specifically-measured by Science? And all it is, is a Frequency, Thoughts, Frequencies, Energy it´s very much-like Electricity, we can harness-it but we dont know what it is.
We can generate-it - we dont know its True Nature. The Human Being take much for granted - Of a mind that is allowed to run rampant . And then one attempt with Machines to measure what the Mind is, instead of Direct Observation, Breath by Breath, looking-at what it is we as Humans are doing , what are you Feeling? What are you Not-Feeling? When do you change in your movement? When are you pretending? When are youre Lying? why is it so difficult to be Self-Honest? Why is it so difficult to Look for Real? Why is the Desire so important? Many Whys but what about the How, How is it that we are doing this? What is it that we are doing? When are we doing it?..."
~ Bernard Poolman

The example of Electricity reveals fascinating on Energy, Science & Self:
Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is both a basic part of nature and one of our most widely used forms of energy.
Electricity is actually a secondary energy source, also referred to as an energy carrier. That means that we get electricity from the conversion of other sources of energy, such as coal, nuclear, or solar energy. These are called primary sources. The energy sources we use to make electricity can be renewable or non-renewable, but electricity itself is neither renewable or nonrenewable.

Related to Self, this would imply that if Self does not become the ´Source´ as Self in equality and oneness, Self is just like "electricity" as man-defined/perceeived: merely ´something´ that constantly moves between two poles in separation from source as all as one as equal.

Has man investigated whether and how ANY point can be/become "primary source"?

some links to investigate:

from Wikipedia:
Electricity (from the New Latin Ä“lectricus, "amber-like"[a]) is a general term that encompasses a variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge. These include many easily recognizable phenomena, such as lightning and static electricity, but in addition, less familiar concepts, such as the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic induction.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


A reply to Paulo Coelho

I came across a question the writer Paulo Coelho placedon his Youtube channel. He asks for people's opinion on: Forgiving and Forgetting

It was a cool challenge for me to 'practice' common sense in replying to the questions he placed:

(Paulo Coelho's questions in italics)

"I would like to hear your opinion on forgiving and forgetting.
When people hurt you: do you forgive and forget? Or do you just forgive but don’t forget?

I found that when you Really Actually Forgive – you ‘Forget’ – which means you Let Go, because you are no-longer holding-on to something from the past. You have cleared yourself, you stand, you move-on.

"People who tend to be seen as good usually forgive and forget. But I dont think that this is a question of being good or evil I think the point is about being just."

It’s not about being seen as good, or about ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
I found that throughout my life I ‘believed’ that one must be able to see the ‘good’ in another and thus forgive. With the time I realized that the ability and willingness to forgive has assisted me and allowed me to live a certain strength.
And, when I find myself unable to forgive, I know that I’m still holding-on to something, for example blame, anger or regret – something that is not allowing me to take absolute Self-Responsibility.
Thus in-fact Forgiveness is an act of Self-Responsibility.

I used to believe in ‘justice’, ‘fairness’, being ‘just’ – but I have found that being ‘just’ is almost impossible – because you cannot take responsibility for another. You can forgive yourself and take responsibility for yourself. What you Can do, is: Show another where and how they’ve dishonored themselves and accepted themselves as ‘less’ than who they really are. But in the end, each-one has to forgive oneself. Without forgiveness, no actual change is possible.

This is the point of ‘forgive and forget’ – ‘forget’ implies the point of ‘release’, the point of ‘not holding-on to anything anymore’, the point where I set myself free from past attachments and allow myself to stand as equal and one within myself – to move myself.

To ‘forget’ does not mean that you cannot recall the events and people you faced in your life. It only means that you, in a similar event, are free to act ‘new’, instead of ‘remembering’ your past reactions and thus following them as a program. No – rather direct yourself according to what you’ve realized. Which is the point of transformation, actual change.
In relation to the people of your past, to ‘forget’ only means that you do not define a person to attributes of the past according to your memory and experience of that person – which is an act of forgiveness because you are not limiting the person to ‘something’ or ‘someone’, you actually consider that change and transformation is possible – after all, you have changed yourself, why should another not be able to do the same? You wouldn’t like others to limit you to their own ‘memory’ of ‘you’.

"So maybe the tendency to forgive and forget those that have hurt us is not necessarily a good thing. Because if we dont do anything to people that hurt us they will probably continue on hurting others."

These are two different things. One can only ‘do something about it’ in the Moment that is Here: After making sure that ‘hurt’ is not a emotional reaction of ‘ego’ and that one is clear within oneself and has taken responsibility for one’s own experiences (after all, we create our realities according to ‘who we are’) – one can communicate to the person that has done an act that is unacceptable for Life and show them exactly what is going on. Show them they can be equal to you: responsible, forgiving, acknowledging.
If this is impossible, share your experience with those that might be threatened by that person, make it public, take responsibility. And let it go – because there’s nothing more you can do. If you don’t let go, you’re holding-on to fear, regret, uncertainty. Suggested to not allow that.

You make sure you do all that is in your power to reveal what is really going-on. Then let go, ‘forget’ – which is an act of forgiving yourself for believing you can save everyone for instance, or believing that you haven’t done enough. Let go. If there is something more you can do, you will be faced with the same or a similar situation where you can see the point you 'missed'.

Consider that ‘who we are’ in this reality is mostly what we were taught: Patters we copied from others – our environment, parents, peers, schools, movies. We defend those patters as ourselves, with a logic that makes us ‘right’, and we mostly fail to consider the consequences of ‘who we are’ and ‘how we exist and participate’. Someone who hurts others is most likely to have suffered by others. And because we don’t learn to be self-responsible and to see through the patterns of ‘cause and effect’ – often the only way to ‘redeem’ ourselves appears to be ‘revenge’, ‘hurt’, to ‘make things even’.

Which is why I don’t believe in ‘justice’ as a point of ‘balance’ of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. It all exists within all, there is no ‘good’ without ‘evil’ and visa versa. None of the two can ever ‘win’.

To stand Equal to all that exists and to Realize we are all products of our environment, allows us to take Self-Responsibility, See what we’ve missed to see, and Correct ourselves to live so, that Life is honored in all ways; Be a living example for others – for All to realize Life as Equality, in Self-Responsibility. Thus in-essence, there is no Forgiveness. There is only Self-Forgiveness – because it’s about Self-Realization.
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