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Friday, October 29, 2010

A New Individuality for New World ALLitics

No actual individuality exists currently really.
If one self-honestly observe, it is obvious that we all exist within the same patterns – as variations of patterns in a bipolar world – merely clones of our forefathers and everybody else. Not only movies and rock stars repeat… even history is repeating and that at least should be recognized as an indication of our ‘stuck-ness in a trap’; An infinite time-loop on a blue planet with a humanity driven by fear and controlled through a value-system of polarity – surviving instead of living.

Self-empowerment requires self-will and the self-honesty to see what it is that is actually keeping one from supporting self as life: Apart from the ego consciousness and the power-games of ‘superiority’/‘inferiority’, in this physical reality self-support / self-sustainability is impossible when one’s physical needs are not met.
As physical beings, our needs entail physical resources – and although there is enough for all in this world at this very moment, not all have access to what is here. Money has become the ‘god’ that decides who lives and who dies – and our so-called individuality has so far been of no help when it comes to breaking down the walls that bind us and bringing-forth a real solution for this world that will stand the test of time.
Is it because individuality has so far been based in fear? InFeariority – which one try to cover-up with a ‘superior’ make-up, a made-up personality that is always in competition, desire to be ‘more’ while it fears being ‘less’… Fear of survival, fear of loss, fear of each-other, fear of oneself? The desire for power and the lack of trust in oneself and each-other – all that as starting-point of ‘self’ has resulted into a human race that is unable to support self and each-other and take care of its common ground – Earth.

All ‘power’ witnessed in this world is fake – it is based in polarity, it is a cover-up for fear, for cowardice, for indignity and separation.

The only ‘real power’ in this world is Money – not because money is real but because man has created money as god that has real impact on people’s life and death. Money the holy spirit – a demonic spirit in the image and likeness of man, that became evil in nature, equal and one to its creator – man: an evil ‘god’ that allows half the world to suffer, as long as its ‘own’ is ‘safe from harm’.
That is our ‘individuality’ today.
What we fail to see and recognize in this bipolar world, is that all is suffering from the same conditions – and the suffering is self-inflicted, accepted and allowed, tolerated or simply given permission for through inaction and ignorance.

At Desteni we explore, test and document practical solutions for the insanity of this mess age – solutions both individual as well as collective that can be practically lived and applied by everybody and all together – solutions from the starting-point of equality and oneness of life – to stop abuse, stop separation, stop polarity, and stand-up as self-willed individuals that care for the whole equally as self. A new self is emerging, a new individuality – to stop the horror in fact and actualize our world as life as oneness and equality in an eco-system of actual life-support for ALL.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

On SELF-REALization & Money (MAN-ey)

'self' is not about a concept - it's about who we are, who one is -
'self' is what we have accepted and allowed to become of 'us' and this world equally - and it is from here that we must stand-up in SELF-responsibility

Desteni is a group of people establishing an internet platform for the transcendence of 'self'
as 'all as one as equal' to practically live self-honesty and self-responsibility ---
what does that mean:
it means that when one is purifying and re-defining the accepted ways and definitions one has been existing within and living as 'ho one is' - one take into consideration all as one as equal, so that the 'correction' one script and live is 'valid' for all life equally, as what's best for all.

even if the current condition of the world does not really support this realization - one can look at the following equation:
if self as 'who i really am' is life, then self = life = all = equal
and also self=me=you=the world

this equation place the word 'self-responsibility' in a context that shows what Desteni is about - in terms of a 'concept' if you wanna call it that - plus add the point of practical application, which is what Desteni emphasize: that knowledge without application is useless, and that how we live and co-exist create this world.

what is also evident within this, is that the problems we, both individually and as humanity, are facing, stem from a value-system of polarity, on which we base not only our entire perceptual and defined reality, but also our structural reality as the world-system = the money-system.
consequently, money decides who lives and who dies in this world - and we are all equally responsible because we accept and allow the établissment of such con value-system, while the real value=life is being exploited and abused.

throughout history, our practical application as human beings has obviously been that of survival, from the starting-point of fear and separation.
at Desteni we stand-up to practically and in-fact change that starting-point as self as all as one as equal - and therefore change the world as we know it to be a place of actual life-support - where we can stop surviving against each-other, stop existing in fear of each-other, and finally start Living - as life, as equals, as one.
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