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Monday, February 28, 2011

‘Make a Living’?! – The System has got you....... by the balls!

To be able to survive and ‘make a living’ (what a fucked-up idiom!*), the System demands that you find your way and use the opportunities that are here. At the same time however, it is the System that determines the opportunities that are here for you, because depending on where you are born into: whether you’re rich or poor, whether you are well taken care of or mishandled, whether you’re able to educate yourself or not, what ‘level’ of the hierarchy you ‘belong to’ etc. – your whole life is painted. You didn’t even pick the colours, though sometimes you get to buy the brushes, just so you get the illusion of choice...

The System is just like God: It spits you into existence without giving you the awareness of co-creation and responsibility – your consciousness being like an onion: layers upon layers of veils, blinding you from the blatant truth of yourself, the truth of what is here – and places temptations on your way, not without first giving you the ‘knowledge’ that these are temptations so you are tempted, upon which you’ll often go “Oh wow, I AM....(this or that...)!

It wants to see you fall, it wants to see you crawl on your needs/knees.

After all, you’re not really supposed to ‘win’, you’re just supposed to DESIRE winning and FEAR losing: the ultimate polarity by which God, the system, can have you by the balls. What a jerk, the Grand Master-Bait.

Alright, let’s not waste breath on assholes, the point is simple: Equality is the Key to the Universe, within as without. Investigate. Dare. Care. Stand-Up.

An Equal Money system will not only be based on Life as all as one as equal and abolish polarity from its God/Gut (hereby supporting the human to do the same) – it will also, and for the first time in the history of mankind, provide actual Choice and freedom of movement!
Do the research, do the math, and support Life!

*I just looked up the word ‘idiom’: “fixed expression with nonliteral meaning” was one of the definitions. Ironic how this particular idiom is LITERALLY LITERAL, and how idiom sound like idiot.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Digestion Process World InFormation

Working with & Digesting the World
InFormation Traffic Jams

– an Equality&Oneness perspective

Looking at Information Processing is interesting because this reality we exist within and as is one of Form, one of In-Formation.

Within and as consciousness, it is an information reality we are dealing with – This is the information age in the process of mankind...
And what is it that we are facing within this all? An existence where denial and suppression are the Nr. 1 tactics in what we call "life", in spite of the manifested consequences and the regret that has taken over the hearts of human-beings – AND the heart of the system, money, which is debt.

It’s as if we are ignoring, as if we are simply disregarding the InFormation that is here in this world as ourselves.

If we look at today’s wars – they are information wars. This reveals the extent to which the point of information has an impact on our existence; and since the ‘problem’ always entails the ‘solution’, this also implies that if we direct ourselves to deal with and take care of the information in our world (AND ourselves) effectively – taking responsibility for what is here as ourselves, as we are here in-Form on this Earth – we could eliminate most problems we’re currently facing as mankind.

If we finally stand-up and deal with what is here within and as our world, if we ensure the healthy and holistic digestion of the World InFormation as a whole where nothing and no-one is being disregarded (and that includes the 'invisible' and 'unheard' children of the world, the dark side of this moon) - we will have a healthy home to live in here on Earth for All.

Same with the microcosmos of/as our human physical bodies. A healthy digestion of the information we are faced in every moment of our lives ensures a healthy individual. It is no coincidence that most health problems start at the digestive system before they manifest elsewhere.

Looking at the microcosmos of each one as ‘who we are’ : there IS a ‘solution’ to the problematic ‘conditions’ we exist within and as: Self-honesty, Self-direction, Self-responsibility – to no longer exist in suppression and denial, but to support ourselves in making sure we don’t postpone dealing with the Truth of ourselves; making sure we don’t ignore what is here in every moment of breath.
After all – we are always only facing one thing: Self.

And let’s face it:
Is the information of this World throughout eons of time really new? It’s not. Look at what we are fighting and killing each-other for – same old story! However, today more than ever we are ABLE to work with and direct information effectively!
If we organize all information according to a common denominator : LIFE : then it is simplistic to re-form and in-form ourselves and the world in a way that is best for ALL.

The equality equation is the re-me-dy that will cure the most complex of quarrels, be it of political or nature or a dispute of beliefs, a solution is possible and it is here, based on simplicity and one principle: LIFE as the highest value.

See – it is our will that is in the way. The ill will of the human. And in this mess-age of space-time, each one determines ‘who one is’ in every moment of breath, with every thought, word and deed.

Time to get over ourselves and see what is here!
Time to in-form ourselves effectively and re-form our world to a place where ALL can live and express! Let’s put our Home in order – for Life, for All.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

R.u.APE ? Man Know Thyself. On Rape and Raping and where the fuck it comes from

'Rape' is a phenomenon that not only pertains to partnership/relationship/sex - but also our entire existence:
the raping of our earth, the raping of each-other as we leave half of human kind to starve, the raping of animals as we not only kill but torture and abuse to eat, the raping of our children with lies and deception, the raping of ourselves with beautiful pictures and thoughts that can never have enough...
an endless power-game recycled through generations that seek vengeance, a casino-like farce called "life" and given permission for through history-books and politics as well as race, religion, gender and other separative 'id.entities' of mind - no life here, only system; all memes looking out for the jackpot, for 'me'-'me'-'me'...

apart from the obvious question of How self has created oneself and one's own 'process' as such - what is interesting to recognize within investigating and de-constructing the construct of 'rape' is that, if we trace the point to its core, we can see how before man is even able to walk on one's own two feet the 'education' one is fed-with within and as the accepted VALUE-SYSTEM of this world implants its 'impulses' and 'codes' into a breathing innocence, creating 'ideas' of the world as well as self-definitions ---
and that this VALUE-SYSTEM is based on energy as POLARITY and therefore what is created and perpetuated is Man as vampire, a vampire that functions based on 'HAVE' and 'HAVE-NOT', 'love' and 'hate', 'give' and 'take', 'buy' and 'sell' - all from the starting-point of 'me', 'me', 'me'...
and this vampirism is not only visible/evident within our relationships in the smallest scale, but also within the bigger picture of/as the world-system: the money-system.

'Rape' - a point to expose and pull out like weed -
because as long as we require energy as something separate from self ...whatever that may be, the want/need/desire for energy imply we are 'lacking' within/as ourselves and must therefore 'get it' from somewhere - and we'll go 'get it' whatever it takes regardless another and in spite of life... -
as long as we require energy we are not here as life, as source, as self, as equals; as real-loving-living-beings that see all and everything as one with and equal in value as ourselves, and would thus not do anything unto another that we would not want done unto ourself.

the point is definitely 'worth' investigating, especially from the perspective of establishing self-value as life here: to accept oneself and all life as self-worth here, as life, and therefore as equally worthy;
accept life as the value of life and re-align self to not accept any form of rape whatsoever - whether in thought, word or deed.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A bite of the Apple & the Knowledge of God

I could just as well title this: God the Criminal - or
The Cult of the Apple - but let me get to the story:

As I was passing by a Mac store in town, I saw the symbol of the bitten apple that is the visual logo of the company.

What came up in that moment is the story of God and the tree of knowledge, the forbidden fruit of which man took a bite, mis-led by woman, mis-led by the snake...
Fascinating that ‘God’ would attempt to hide its trail through shifting responsibility to near-by points which, admittedly, do not lack symbolism, but do however distract from the criminal in the first place: God.

Yes – God the criminal. Because what can it possibly mean when God placed a trap for the human and not only that but makes sure the human walks right into the trap? The mere fact that God created a tree that is ‘forbidden’ shows that God is evil and was a priori planning to set a trap for the human and justify his bipolar creation, life ‘born into sin’.

And it is ‘fascinatingly’ sick, how man as the image and likeness of God is equal to God’s bipolar creation, equal to God’s evil-ution – creating ‘forbidden fruits’ and tempting each-other into traps and loops where everybody tries to win while another must lose. The hide & seek power-games of adults are adultery against life.

Ex-i-stance is s-i-ck...
in the image and likeness of God and the Hu-man.

After all the Human is all about what one God and what one hasn’t God. There’s even people that haven’t God anything at all and simply DIE.

If we look a bit deeper at God the criminal, it is fascinating how God did not want man, the human, to be equal to God. God had the knowledge to create good & evil - yet God itself claimed to be good? Ha! And man buys into it?

The Apple itself, part of nature, part of the Garden of Eden, turns out to be a fruit of the devil? But if God created everything – why did God create the devil?
Was God itself perhaps evil, was God perhaps equal to Knowledge and thus evil – because see when I look at it: there exists no evil before the Knowledge that separates good from evil. Therefore knowledge is separation and separation creates evil. And God had separated itself from man, and man separates itself from each-other, from everything that exists, and everything is in a constant struggle against each other. No common sense!

And all was happening from the beginning in God’s paradise! Fascinating how ‘close’ the words paradise and parasite are!

Apple the computer business chose a successful visual logo for its market strategy. Whether one is consciously aware of the point or unconsciously – the Apple represents Source itself, and source is defined by consciousness as Knowledge. Knowledge – the fruit that lures the human with promises of ‘something more’ and (di)visions of ‘grandeur’...
And there we have it: a human that is always only after the bite, after the next fix, after the next energy high – but never fulfilled, never whole, never equal to all that is here, never committed to anything for real.

If we look a little deeper into the symbolism of the business world at Apple and Microsoft, and go a little back in the early days of IT and www: When you would buy Apply some 20 years ago, it was to protect yourself from the infamous Microsoft viruses and small catastrophes that would flood the business news every now and then. Nowadays, Apple equipment is ‘equalizing’ itself to meet the expiry date of your average technological product on the market, since the money-system depends on things breaking and people constantly re-newing their collections of technological advancements. Microsoft back then was representing and targeting the masses and promising ‘happiness for all’, while Apple was addressing the elite promising ‘quality’, though it is obvious that both concerns are equally based on profit and profit only; one is simply targeting a more-elitist elite, while the other is addressing more of the middle-class elite – and none is or can be protected from the consequences of this man-made reality.
Perhaps God is also somewhere between the lines, trying to hide from reality, trying to avoid consequence, but it is impossible. As all that is here is here for all to see, in this mess-age where each one is inevitably facing oneself – Earth the eye of the needle where space and time meet and consequence returns to its creator...

Apples just don’t taste good anymore, and it’s not that I haven’t I’ve been around...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Love&Light Beliefs vs Man Know ThySelf

a peculiar acceptance goes along with the belief in ‘healing with love & light’ / through 'sending energy' and 'good vibration'.
say you want to ‘heal’ a ‘criminal’.
if the ‘criminal’ is suddenly ‘healed’, and has no idea ‘how’ or that anything ‘happened’ to him at all, what does that imply? If the ‘criminal’ is suddenly ‘healed’ through an ‘external force’/through another – doesn’t that create the acceptance of the ‘other’/’external force’ as ‘superior’ and the ‘criminal’ therefore subject to/enslaved to that external force?

where is the actual healing for-real, where is the actual SELF-healing as self-empowerment, se self-realization, as self-forgiveness and therefore real self-change? where is the actual transformation/transcendence of the ‘criminal’ to through insight and self-will no-longer be a ‘criminal’ but instead to stand-up for Life as one stand-up within and for oneself! Man Know Thyself !

the new-age ‘love&light’-scenarios are only serving self-delusion and the continuation of separation and polarity – totally missing the actuality of reality, and further creating/supporting enslavement to the mind and ideas of grandeur.

EQUALITY is the key – within as without – because actual power is Life, and Life is indivisible, yet Here for ALL that is Here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

considerations of practical equality - BECAUSE THE VALUE OF LIFE IS LIFE

every being requires air, water, food, shelter, healthcare, basic skills. to argue that people have different needs is another story and cannot justify the condition of the current world where money decides who lives and who dies.
after all, people don't decide where they are born into. and yet the conditions one is born into determine whether one can survive and whether one is able to acquire some skills to 'make a living'.
instead of existing in this world as if it were a lottery gathering and everyone wants the jackpot - it would be easy to transform the money system into something that supports everyone equally. that does not imply you cannot go beyond that and enjoy 'more' if that's what you want.
the current money-system is claiming scarcity and everyone is trying to save the economy, when in fact money is created out of thin air and equals debt. the whole system is a fraud and serves only one thing: the system itself. we might just as well create money out of thin air and give it a different value based on the value of life. mankind needs a new agreement to save its ass. unfortunately the building-blocks of mankind is the human, and human beings are driven by fear and desire, creating most complicated justification to not have to face the simplicity of the current condition. that is where common sense is required. just like the air you breathe.

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