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Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Crisis & a (good-old) Happy New Fear

...The TV channels documenting the New Year celebrations around the world with bright lights, glitter and glamour, accompanied by the good-old new year tunes that get into your ear like worms –
All this is showing one thing only:

The System is celebrating itself, symbolically firing its Grid around the world, into an infinite trap year in year out, spreading Hope & Wishes of Peace and Prosperity while clearly the ones that this message is able to reach are so comfortably numb, they don’t even require further drugging.

The System is wishing itself Many Happy Returns and many good slaves that never question, never dare, never give-up the Hope for a jackpot in the Big Wheel of fortune called ‘life’. The fair is unfair yet everyone buy the bill; There is no choice, you always play the game.

The System is celebrating itself in SPITE of the suffering that is existent; in SPITE of the fact that a Child dies every 5 seconds while there is enough in this world for All; in SPITE of the global dis-ease that is evident in other life forms, life forms upon which the human is actually dependent – water, air, flora, fauna.

Be happy, smile, don’t forget to show everyone how wonderful life is and how much you love them, and what a good person you actually are.
Don’t question anything, don’t call things by their name – Submit to the Fear, let the Crisis scream its cries through the mouths of Others, while you do your best to not hear.

Merry Crisis & good-old happy new Fear!
Get on the Merry-go-Round, Pay, Pray, Prey!
Another one bites the dust that no-one will remember, while the living Dead deceive themselves and each-other into believing the fake shiny ‘meaning’ we give to things, blinded by the ‘light’, to not have to see, to not have to hear, to not have to stand-out, stand-up, Stop.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Self in the context of the World


"...We live through our lives in our reality, this one life that we have, and we get to the end of it and what's left is a disabled physical that is completely drained of everything that it once was, roaming in memories of energetic remembrances and – we basically just become a nostalgic replay of what our life once was...
in the end becoming what we've always been, simply a meat-sack that supports an energetic existence within a realm of thought, where nothing that we lived, nothing that we did, nothing of who we are had any relevance, any significance or any impact on anything or anyone but the creation of our own death, and we a die a forgotten soul... while the rest of existence remain hypnotized within the momentary profanity of seeking the next ‘high’, and eventually just getting to the same point the end of it all wondering what was the point of it all...
And we ask the question with regards to what is life, why are we here, what are we doing here – all the questions about our own existence – and the fact that all those questions are coming up are obviously indicating we are not life, we are not living – and the reason we can’t find a reason or purpose is because there isn’t any; We haven’t actually lived any real reason or any real purpose into and as this reality.

So what we are suggesting within Desteni, within self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application, the equal money system – it’s bringing the whole aspect of Self AND the world-system into an equal and one starting-point stand – wherein we are no more just these meat-sacks of thought, wondering through reality just creating consequence and harm for ourselves and others, living from one ‘high’ to the next, eventually depleting ourselves to the point where we die a long time before we actually physically die; lived into and through a world-system that merely support survival and self-interest, where only a select few survive; Most of the world is not at all supported within the current world system.

So these two very significant points of change: Self and this world-system, this money-system = with changing those two points we change this entire existence and our self-experience within it. Thus, we suggest considering that we are able to make this reality and ourselves an experience of permanence – Creating and establishing Trust, wherein we are able to establish a reality where we can actually live and actually explore what it means to live, what life is as ourselves; and within that what it all means as an actual living expression within oneness and equality.
So we change ourselves, we change the money-system = we change this existence, we change the world; And then the Answer to what life is, why are we here, what is the reason and purpose and what is the point – can thus be answered through us LIVING the answers.”

by Sunette Spies for Desteni

Monday, December 20, 2010

...from Ego-Money to Equal-Money

...a true revolution is busy happening with every breath we take; an evolution from Ego-Money to Equal-Money - for equal rights, equal power and a dignified life for all. this is the future we want, a world where the value of life is life,

the desteni of the universe is determined by all and everything that is here in every moment; that leaves us with no-one to blame and nothing to hope for outside of ourselves. SELF-responsibility and SELF-honesty is key to a new agreement for man(to-be)kind.
self-honesty entails 'what is best for all' because self-honesty stems from the realization that self = life = all = equal.
SELF-equality and the transcendence of our polarity-based ego is the key for equality in our world as co-existence.

equal-money is the transcendence of ego-money, and an equal money system will significantly support the transcendence of ego, as ego is always based in separation and polarized as fear and the desire for power.

what is clear is that we need a new desteni for mankind, because if humanity were to meet its fate, it is a very dark age that awaits us.
forgiveness does not remove consequence.
self-forgiveness is a declaration of self-responsibility: to realize that we reap what we saw and each one is alone responsible. self-forgiveness allows one to walk through the consequences in dignity as breath, make a stand and change oneself for-real.
no other forgiveness exists.
for actual change in the world - actual change of the individual is required, self-willed and for real.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rebellion & Standing-Up in Self-Honesty

"in self-honesty self = life = all = equal"
...that does not imply something 'beautiful'

in fact it implies to see what we have accepted and allowed to become of 'life' as we exist here - and realize that we ARE all we see, all we judge, all we fear - we are creating it through our mere existence, we give permission for 'life' to exist as the world 'as we know it' through what we accept and allow in every moment of breath as we participate and interact in this 'reality', within and without.

self-honesty is not a 'pretty sight' -
when we 'see', we first encounter the layers of atrocity we have allowed as ourselves and this world. self-honesty is then to realize "This is not acceptable" - "this is not who I really am, not what I want to be, not what I want my children to exist within and as" - and investigate to understand "how the fuck we got here"

self-honesty is to realize that for the world to change, self must change
WE must change as how we exist within ourselves and how we co-exist with each-other

self-honesty is to recognize how we've been duped and deceived and 'educated' into make-belief worlds that are designed to keep this system running, a system that is not caring for all life, not caring for life at all.
and then to stand-up and stand equal to what is here and empower ourselves to empower each-other to empower a new system for this world - a system that will care for all equally.

then we as humanity may practically and in actual fact move from self = life = all = equal = FUCKED-UP-NESS & LIMITATION & LIES self = life = all = equal = FUN & FREEDOM & EXPRESSION

when 'Here' is not enough, go 'Super-Here-o'...?

(or: Self-Honesty Here & Super-Hero Out There)

in self-honesty self = life = all = equal
the only factor that determines 'difference' is space-time
the difference however is not in the 'value'
the value is equal - because the value of life is life

self-honesty implies and entails equality as what is best for all life -
within that there is no place for ego, as ego is an inferiority-persona dressed-up as super-hero that seeks separation from the whole in order to be 'special'

life excludes nothing and nobody
it is the ego that exclude itself from life

will man be able to re-define life as COMMON SENSE and itself as EQUAL?
an existence HERE - with no gods, no masters, no slaves;
only self-mastery as self-creation as life as equality = as best for all;
a new ecosystem equal to and one with a self-realized eco-logical man-kind = COMMON SENSE for re.all!

it's up to you & me

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fascism & Super-Hero Mental-I-ties

what is the Mental-I-tie of a Super-Hero : the super-hero secretly suffers of inFeariority. it is not enough to be ‘here’, it must be ‘super-here-o’.

fascism is the desperate attempt to impose an apparent 'superiority' - when in fact that very movement indicates 'inferiority' and an existence of Fear.
hate and spitefulness are polarity manifestations of envy and fear.

that is why equality is the key – within as without.
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