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Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 DNA Activation - Sensational Promises for Delusional Minds

While many new age 'schools' and gurus promise full DNA activation, has anyone wondered what full DNA activation would practically imply?
People literally 'look forward' to things like that in the hope and desire that they'll bring them salvation and power, but within that they never consider the points of consequence and responsibility.

And while DNA activation is sold like a 'miraculous' savior pill, imagine this rather rational perspective:
Full DNA activation as in full awareness of all genetic information of all forefathers, their issues, their challenges, their points to be transcended. Full DNA activation as in bringing all subconscious and unconscious mind layers of self to the conscious presence here equal and one, to be faced, dealt with, directed.

Are you ready?

Responsibility is Key to Self-Empowerment - Power as Life. 

Stop the delusional mind ideas of power that we are brainwashed with, Stop buying into sensationalism and believing in promises, and discover actual self power as life within equality and oneness in this physical universe HERE.

Watch my Vlog on DNA Activation, Self Delusion and How we are blinded by the 'Light':

Watch out for the Freedom Blogs released by people standing-up all over the world; people waking up to the actuality of reality; people peeling off the veils of illusion that has been keeping us preoccupied, consumed, possessed, entrapped within a system of power-games, war, lies; people refusing to continue accepting and allowing an existence of separation, abuse and exploitation; people that are working on THE END of separation, THE END of abuse, THE END of exploitation. 

Check out the freedom movement at and and find the Freedom Blogs and further self-perfection support at the EQAFE:
Freedom Blogs -The birth of Practivism- Volume 1
Freedom Blogs -The Birth of Practivism -Volume 2 
Virus Free Mind
Check out the History of Desteni to see how it all came to be to how walk today as a group that is standing-up for life, as humanity in oneness and equality. 

2012 – Meet the Destonians and read/listen to the revelations, realizations and discussions shared by all of us throughout the various social media platforms.
Get Informed, Get Involved

Let the year 2012 be the beginning of the end of your own personal illusions. Learn how to debunk your own delusions with practical tools of self-support.

Let the year 2012 be the beginning of a new reality for life where WE as LIFE are the directive principle that determines the world we want to live in. 
Let’s get together and create a new reality for humanity collectively and individually – a reality that will support life in all ways, as we start to support ourselves and each-other in dignity and respect.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Sex Evolution & Sexual Revolution

The world is established and formed through who we are and how we co-exist in our relationships within it. Thus, it is relationships / agreements / partnerships that will build the foundation for a new world.
A new living-reality of relationships must be established through communication, transparency and agreement, to transcend the patterns of dependency, separation, secrecy and manipulation and thus dishonesty and deception, and to transform relationships into agreements of life that support self in learning to live and co-exist in self-honesty and mutual respect. This will purify existence from the inside out and dignify life into a living process of self-exploration, growth and expression.

We can see that Sex plays a major role in the current system, both from the world-perspective in terms of capitalism, consumerism, abuse, exploitation and the consciousness of buy and sell, the consciousness of polarity, of addiction, of abuse; as well as from the perspective of the individual, wherein sex is/has been a point of secrecy, power-games, competition, manipulation, obsession, generally the diminishment and exploitation of life as ourselves due to the fake ‘values’ we adopt and ‘desires’ based on the ‘education’ we are brainwashed with through media, parents, peers/school, pornography – while we’ve lost all self-respect as a species and have difficulty accepting and embracing/supporting ourselves and thus seek for that approval in separation from ourselves.

Our relationships are based on the impressions we’ve gathered throughout our first relationships in life, beginning with our parents. It is vital to free ourselves from patterns and take self-responsibility in transforming the accepted ‘human nature’ into something that is worthy of life on this planet.
Self-acceptance, self-trust, self-honesty, self-respect – these are values that assist in establishing relationships of trust, respect, honesty, transparency and strength.

Sex in this world has become a point that is, in one way or another, an `issue´ for human beings. We can see this in the taboo-nature of Sex, as well as in the secrecy around it.
We seem to have lost our innocence in that regard, and one can ask the question What has become of uncomplicated, direct and transparent physical communication between human beings. Why has Sex become what Sex has become – and what is it exactly that Sex represents and facilitates, apart from the known mating and reproduction functions we are all aware of?

Sex has become a system through which we – consciously or unconsciously – attempt to get validation, approval or `worth´, and equally a system through which we even seek revenge, vengeance or `justice´. We tend to not see these mechanics within ourselves, yet it is clearly seen within society and the depiction of sexual socialization in movies and other arts. We can see this in the evolution of pornography as well as in the human trafficking and sex-slavery that is going in this world, based on and functioning through the very value-system of this existence, of this world consciousness:
a polarity-system manifested as and seen within the current money-system and how it exists within an imposed polarity and a proclaimed scarcity, whereby worth/value is placed in separation from life in accessories of `beauty´, `perfection´, `youth´ and `power´.

Mankind has devalued as life to such an extent, that value is more and more sought-after within external stimuli, external power-sources and accessories of `power´ – because we have completely given up on and abdicated our value as life and each-other´s value as life; otherwise we would not be abusing and exploiting life as ourselves, nor would we be accepting and allowing the current system to continue, which is a system of consumerism, consumption and cons that in the end it consumes us to such an extent that nothing but a weak spark of life remains.

We all are able to see this, as demonstrated, yet we tend to see it in `others´ and `out there´ in the world, and we can spend hours gossiping about these things or moaning and complaining about how the world is turning into an ugly place, without ever looking at how we individually contribute to the existence of the sex-system and all the constructs, industries and markets behind it.

At Desteni we do exactly that, with any and all systems and manifestations or `problems´ of this world. We take the point back to self and have a look at how the `small´ dimension of individual application and participation accumulates into implicit tolerance for the unacceptable – the abuse and exploitation that is happening and is allowed to continue in this world at all levels.


Facing reality, facing self – we realize that it is both within and without, both above as below, that the revolution, an actual evolution must happen, and it can only be real and substantial if it is self-willed, self-directed, established through transparency, communication, agreement.

We require a new awareness of/as life that will bring forth a new system based in equality and oneness as the value of life that will slowly but surely transform the money-system/world-system and give every being born into this world the actual opportunity –for all equally – to explore and discover themselves and the planet, the universe.

That is what we are busy with at Desteni and we see that:
on the smaller scale, it is every individual that is undergoing a process of self-realization, which is unfolding either in denial and suppression and thus through rather traumatic events that will wake a person wake-up to reality; or through self-directive participation/application in life within self-honesty and self-responsibility.

Who are we / who am I, individually, within Sex? What are the relationship-constructs that manifest and perpetuate the power-games and mind-delusions which in turn feed the world-system of consumerism and maintain the world as we know it? What are the seemingly small acceptances we compromise ourselves to within everyday-participation, which in turn allow the `show´ to go on and everybody including ourselves to keep their make-up on and pretend that everything is okay?

At Desteni we walk in awareness the process of self-honesty and self-purification/self-perfection in the context of creating a new world in self-responsibility – to end all abuse and stop the deception of energy that is manifested as the money-system of this world based on ‘educated’ ideas of ‘power’ and ‘beauty’. A process of dignifying life as ourselves and establishing a co-existence that is worthy as life.

“What is SEX” is a series that discusses Sex and the manifestation of Sex in a holistic context, giving perspectives from the smaller (the atom, DNA, organs and functions of the human physical body in its multidimensionality) to the bigger (history of the sex system, consciousness and energy, relationships and mind-control, the unified consciousness field, history of mankind and the universe...)

Here is an overview / intro video interview you can watch:

The  “What is SEX”  series:
What is Sex? - Introduction (Part 1-6)
What is Sex - Part 7
What is Sex - Part 8
What is Sex - Part 9
What is Sex - Part 10
What is Sex - Introducing the Relationship-System - Part 11
What is Sex - The Primary and Sub Relationship-Systems of Mind and Sex - Part 12
What is Sex - Relationship Profiling - Part 13
What is Sex - How we create Relationship Profiles - Part 14

There are more series and cool stuff to be discovered at the EQAFE.
Check out the ART by Desteni Artists at and Investigate the research, application and solutions shared at and


Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Happiness in Life

There have been throughout the history of mankind many paths to ‘happiness’
yet none of such paths has actually considered that we cannot create happiness through denial and suppression, we cannot create happiness without understanding how we’ve created / contributed to the unhappiness that exists within and without.
Furthermore, such paths to happiness have always been ‘individualized’, without regard or consideration for the happiness of the whole; without considering that no one can ever be truly happy when the rest of the world suffer, struggle, fight, deceive or lie to survive.

At Desteni we are walking a new path of happiness. That includes self-responsibility, self-honesty and the realization that we exist in the context of a whole that we create through our mere existence. Thus our mere existence determines the quality of the whole, which in turn determines the quality of the individual. No one chooses the conditions into which one is born – yet those conditions determine one’s chances and options in life, due to the inequality-system (money-system /world-system) and the accepted exploitation of life on this planet. To change the world we must change the system, to change the system we must change ourselves.

I find that actual happiness comes as self-fulfilment through the small steps of daily self-application, where we start putting our realizations into practical living; where we start committing ourselves to life, to self-support, self-honesty and walk the talk.

We tend to seek ‘happiness’ through the mind, and we tend to ‘find’ stuff that seemingly ‘give’ us something, like ‘hope’ or ‘strength’. We come to many realizations through common-sensical thinking, however realization are irrelevant if they exist merely in the mind.
It’s worth seeing that realizations remain merely ‘feelings’, ‘ideas’, ‘perceptions’, when not practically lived/applied. So the feeling of ‘strength’ for instance is not yet actual strength. We all go through this process of realizing that what we are seeking is in fact ourselves, and that we gotta get on our feet and actually move ourselves, do something, develop ourselves, make decisions, make a stand, determine who we are.

And that is where practical self-directive application comes-in or/and self-correction. Walking this process, I build self-trust as I learn to trust me to live my word / my realizations – committing myself to live self-honesty and to make sure I always have the whole of existence in context, with any consideration, any decision, any application at any given moment.

Making ourselves practical, making ourselves useful – to ourselves to begin with and then consequently to others equally – that is the accumulative ‘effect’ we can ‘cause’ as actual step to happiness; it’s a process that sees self within the context of the whole / Life.
How can we start doing what’s best for all, even in the ‘smallest’ moments of our existence? – that is the question.
Within this process of self-exploration / self-investigation in the context of the Whole, we are walking practical corrective-solutions each to our own ‘individual’ issues and expand this point consequently within how we communicate with ourselves, with each-other, with life – as LIFE.

So in fact this is a mutual re-education and re-evaluation process we are walking as humanity – and there is only One principle, only One value that can guide the way: LIFE itself – which is/will be our equality and oneness, our ‘divinity’, our ‘highest potential’.

Fascinating that the point of equality and oneness is in fact the way –the only way– to actual freedom as creators, as life, as living-potentials.

2012 is The End – but it is also The Beginning.

Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 Forgive & Forget Anonymous

The year 2012 is said by many to be a year of change.
So perhaps the question is: How do we expect change to come forth?

Anonymous claim “We do not forgive. We do not forget.” This is the very nature of consciousness – the very state of mind – that manifests war in this world: by seeking revenge, by directing blame, hate, rage, by thinking in ‘us and them’, by looking for ‘justice’ within separation and power-games. All this is not allowing one to make the effort and really understand the nature of the system and how it came to be; how it continues to exist, what keeps it alive and how we are all responsible.

Here is an extraordinary interview that gives perspective on the nature of the world-system and sheds light onto the ‘how’ of our collective responsibility for What is Here:

We are Destonians. We are not anonymous; on the contrary, we stand with our own names and dare to take-on the systems of our world. Because we realize responsibility for all and everything that is here.

Instead of revenge and power-games, rather we should all in fact FORGIVE and FORGET.
Because there is no way we will sort this world out through revenge, vengeance or the punishment. So much evil has occurred already and what we see is history merely repeating – no one is better than another in this world-system. We are ALL responsible, either through direct participation as cause, or through our acceptances and allowances as the effect of giving permission for things to exist as they do.
Within this whole CHAOS of cultural, religious, racial, political, ideological separation and dogmatism that exists and rules the hearts of men, there is only one way to get past this alive: Forgiveness.

Obviously forgiving others is not the point, since it is the actual tangible change that makes forgiveness real and meaningful. Forgiveness without change is useless. Therefore, each one can in essence only forgive oneself, since only self can change self for real.
Ultimately we will have to forgive each-other if we want to build a new world where we co-exist as life – and that is a point where an equality system will be of tremendous support: Forgiving all debt and establishing a new value-system based on the value of life will equalize everyone in freedom, rights, wealth and opportunities/choice in life. This is a big step that will take time and a certain process – but for now, each one can start forgiving self and changing self in a way that is of dignity and respect to life – to self, as all as one as equal.

When I say Forgive and Forget, it’s not that we ‘forget’ as you might think. But we can let go!
We do not ‘forget’ that which is real as ourselves because it’s Here. Everything is Here. Only that which has not been real – goes. It will either be LET GO of, willingly, in awareness, or it will crumble down in the end, just like the systems of the world currently.
We can Forgive and Forget the separation, the hate, the accepted ‘human nature’, the greed, the fear, the vengeance and blame. We can Forgive and Forget the power-games. We can Forgive and Forget the systems of enslavement that we’ve been allowing to govern, determine, define us – and we can create a system of life for life, taking into consideration every living thing on earth including the planet!

FORGET 2012 –
2012 is not gonna save anything: because every one will have to save themselves.

For-Give:  Give For Life.
Stop giving to the mind, the ghosts of the past, the fears and desires of a conditioned existence that is looping into implosion, self-destruction, the end.

Let’s make the end a New Beginning.
Make the decision to Stop.
Within this, we BECOME “the end” – and do not have to literally experience destruction and drive this existence into its doom.

The end is here. We are the end; and we are the Beginning.  Let’s start Here and Now, breathe, birth ourselves into Living, birth ourselves as Life. Let’s have LIFE on this planet, starting with ourselves and expanding into a new system that will restore dignity of life and enable mutual respect, self-expansion and real power as creators –
as Equals of Life.

Power-games of inferiority/superiority have proven to be unworthy and unsupportive for all – We can all agree that as living-beings that breathe on this planet we are equal. We require a CLEAN SLATE as humanity to start over in a new way of LIFE. This clean slate can only be achieved through self-realization, self-forgiveness, self-honesty and respect for life. This starts within each one individually – and collectively we can support every body in the process of self-realization through a new system of actual life-support.

Investigate the solution of equality:

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