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Thursday, October 28, 2010

On SELF-REALization & Money (MAN-ey)

'self' is not about a concept - it's about who we are, who one is -
'self' is what we have accepted and allowed to become of 'us' and this world equally - and it is from here that we must stand-up in SELF-responsibility

Desteni is a group of people establishing an internet platform for the transcendence of 'self'
as 'all as one as equal' to practically live self-honesty and self-responsibility ---
what does that mean:
it means that when one is purifying and re-defining the accepted ways and definitions one has been existing within and living as 'ho one is' - one take into consideration all as one as equal, so that the 'correction' one script and live is 'valid' for all life equally, as what's best for all.

even if the current condition of the world does not really support this realization - one can look at the following equation:
if self as 'who i really am' is life, then self = life = all = equal
and also self=me=you=the world

this equation place the word 'self-responsibility' in a context that shows what Desteni is about - in terms of a 'concept' if you wanna call it that - plus add the point of practical application, which is what Desteni emphasize: that knowledge without application is useless, and that how we live and co-exist create this world.

what is also evident within this, is that the problems we, both individually and as humanity, are facing, stem from a value-system of polarity, on which we base not only our entire perceptual and defined reality, but also our structural reality as the world-system = the money-system.
consequently, money decides who lives and who dies in this world - and we are all equally responsible because we accept and allow the établissment of such con value-system, while the real value=life is being exploited and abused.

throughout history, our practical application as human beings has obviously been that of survival, from the starting-point of fear and separation.
at Desteni we stand-up to practically and in-fact change that starting-point as self as all as one as equal - and therefore change the world as we know it to be a place of actual life-support - where we can stop surviving against each-other, stop existing in fear of each-other, and finally start Living - as life, as equals, as one.

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