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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Self-Honesty & Self-Awareness Steps for the Elite

The Elite?

If you are reading this – you ARE the elite. I am the elite. All of us who have a certain roof over our head, a certain access to water and electricity, a certain access to money and an income that ensures everything one needs for a dignified living in this physical reality: WE are the ones that determine the evolution of the system, the evolution of life on planet earth – through everything that we do and sadly also through everything that we don’t do.

The ones in less fortunate positions such as famine, war, starvation, forced labor, are all enslaved to conditions they have no power to change, because they are cast out of the system we all daily participate in, they have no voice in this world, no vote to make their voice heard, and often no vocabulary to formulate the actual state of affairs they are being subjected to.

It is therefore up to the rest of us to find it within us to stand up for LIFE, and that includes every living thing on this existence, from the smallest to the biggest; to find it within us to realize our responsibility by the mere fact that WE RAE HERE, born into conditions that give us a relative power to move things, to voice our position, to make a stand and make sure that how we live and co-exist is practically bringing-forth a better life, a dignified life for ALL.

To find this will of life within us, self-honesty is required and practical common sense – to see who it is we are, how we came to be, and how it is that we are in fact creating this world; and to stop creating from a starting-point of fear, self-interest and separation, and instead start creating in awareness, in the realization that we exist in the context of life and that life is interdependent.

We have done already great harm to ourselves, each-other and our home planet – but this should not stop us from standing-up and stating “till here and no further”; it should not stop us from finding practical ways to stop the accepted ways of the world and transform the current system within and without into a living-expression of what is best for all – after all, what is best for all, is best for you and me.

This is obviously not going to be a quick fix, nor an easy journey. There is much re-education to be done in terms of freeing ourselves from the conditioned survival fear that keeps us existing against each other; freeing ourselves from the mind control that is being thrown at us from the moment of birth and really ask ourselves the question: what would we have liked to learn and experience as children coming into this world, how would the opportunities to explore and express ourselves look like – and what practical infrastructure would a system require to in fact provide the children with such quality of life; what will it take to change ourselves in such a way that we break the cycles of abuse and separation, that we stop history from repeating and really, truly, create a new world – for real, for ALL.

Yes - we require an entirely new system. At the same time however, we require to realize that –as with everything in existence–  it all starts with self. We are the building blocks of this world, as this world exists through and as the relationships we entertain – in the smallest of details.

Check out the series Self-Awareness Steps for the Elite – and make use of the tools offered to assist yourself toward self-honesty and a dignified existence.
Allow yourself to question self-interest and our fear-based existence, allow yourself to see yourself in a bigger context: the context of life, the context of oneness and equality as creation. 
Watch the following interview for a taste of what such a process entails:


I've been walking this process for more than four years now. Self-honesty entails the willingness to see/ recognize/ reveal the 'hidden motives' on the basis of which our beliefs, fears, desires, self-definitions are created/ adopted/ accepted. Self-honesty also entails to see the patterns we participate in (mental, emotional, behavioral) and understand/realize the cause/ beginning/ origin and effect/ outflow/ consequence - to ultimately take self-responsibility to change self in a way that no more (self-)abuse is allowed. Self-honesty is the process of revealing to myself where and how I am being self-dishonest, where and how I deceive or sabotage myself - to then investigate the self-corrective/ self-purifying practical steps required to stop - and 'transform' myself into a being I can live with. That is in the end the ultimate 'question' life confronts us with: "Can you live with yourself in the face of life, in the face of all that is here?" - "Have you stood up for yourself, have you stood up for life - What impact have you/ has your participation had on life as a whole?"

The main tools I utilize to work on points I am faced with throughout my everyday life are writing and self-forgiveness, which in few words could be described as: self-introspection, writing out the points/patterns, investigating what is 'behind' the particular thoughts/ emotions/ beliefs/ (self-)definitions, see the consequences for self/life, see what I am allowing within self/the world through my acceptances per implication, and make the choice to stop/ let-go/ forgive myself.
From here, what is required is a 'new script' which self determines in self-honesty: How do I want to 'purify'/'correct' myself in this regard? What is acceptable and what is unacceptable for life/ freedom/dignity? How do I want to live/apply the change practically? Self-honesty from here would be to direct myself towards/as self-change in the very moments where the particular pattern I worked with comes-up or gets triggered again. That is where I then 'test myself' in reality, that is where I 'prove' to myself that I am in fact taking self-responsibility, that I can in fact trust my word, that I am in fact directing myself to live as best for life, as best for all, of which i am equally part of.

Obviously this is a huge 'subject' and as I said I have been walking this 'process' for many years already. This started when I came across Desteni (I had been following a 'spiritual' path up to that point and was busy focusing on the 'positive' and suppressing/denying the 'negative' within self/the world) and that is when I started to participate on the forums and write and communicate with others that were also busy exploring life and themselves and searching for 'truth';
I started exploring the principle of equality and oneness, understanding polarity and how it works and how we trap ourselves and each-other within such system (within and without), and discussing practical solutions for self and the world so that we may finally make this world and life something that is no longer abusive/deceptive/exploiting; something that is worth living and worth leaving to our children without regret, without fear, without harm.

What is most fascinating is that, although this process started as a self-realization process for the individual, we concluded that we cannot be preoccupied with self only while the world is burning and half the population is left to starve; that we must first create the structural support and transform the system(s) of our world in a way that each living being can have a dignified life - then all are free to explore self and all have actual real choice to be and become who we truly are, and do what we really enjoy doing - without the enslavement of the current money-system that determines our choices and decides who lives and who dies.

Therefore at the moment we are focusing on bringing-forth a new equality system, while of course each one individually continues to walk the process of self-honesty, taking self-responsibility, developing self-trust, purifying ourselves and our relationships, and establishing the self-will from which emerge the freedom as we break free from the chains of 'old' and ingrained habits and patterns of this system consciousness that is based on fear, self-interest and basically war/competition/winners and losers. A win-win solution is possible for life. And that is the process of life as oneness and equality, within as without.

Check out the open forum at - much is shared there and people/we utilize the forum to write, share, discuss and support ourselves and each-other in self-honesty and practical common sense.

Check out the Equal Money website. The website will change in about a week's time with an interactive first page where people will be able to vote and comment on the goals and policy development thus far on the Equal Money System. There will also be an Equal Money wiki. Make sure you get involved, make sure your voice counts for what is best for all!

Check out the awakening-awareness self-support stuff at EQAFE!
Here are some products I recommend:
Evolution and Equal Money
Virus Free Mind
How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message - for FREE!

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