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Monday, July 13, 2009

`I AM´ ?

LIFE - can we define Life?

is the ocean life or the fish? is the tree life or the leaves?

does the fish perceive itself as separate from the ocean?

does the leaf perceive itself as separate to the tree?

does the fish think `I AM fish´?

does the leaf think `I AM leaf´?

what is our demise?

isn´t it the great "I AM"?

(as ourselves in perceived superiority or as a ´god´/deity out there whereby we perceive ourselves as inferior)

do we live or are we busy becoming/maintaining an "I AM"?

do we exist as Life? or do we merely exist as interpretations of Life?

does Life think "I AM life?"

in a process called evolution we have become our own demise. and we are so proud of our evolution: I AM EVOLVING. I AM ASCENDING. I AM becoming better/higher/more valuable.

as "I AM´s" we separate ourselves from Life, from ourselves and from each other.

we want to be different, special; Life is apparently not good enough.

does a tree think ´i would prefer to be a fish, a fish is better, it can swim´?

does the leaf think ´i want to be an apple, an apple looks so nice and round and red...´?

does the apple think ´thank god i am not a leaf, it must be horrible to be so thin and green, so vulnerable to the wind... i am stronger...´?

does the fish think ´thank god i am the fish moving within the ocean, imagine being the ocean and having to make space for millions of fish... it´s a privilege to be the fish... i am divine...´?

that sounds stupid?

yes, and yet that is how human logic operates.

self-definition is limitation.

self-definition is separation.

self-definition is judgment in terms of polarity: good and bad, more and less, worthy-unworthy.

self-definition in separation from self as Life is the cause and effect of all suffering -an infinite cycle of spite and agony.

we have replaced the only real value - Life/´I´ - with perceived values as self-definitions/´I AM´personalities in separation from Life, from who we really are.

Life cannot be judged in terms of polarity; All Life is Equal.

we humans seem to have a problem with equality. we do not live as equals as Life.

we are the problem. we can be the solution: as EQUALITY, as LIFE.

LIFE will be HERE when no more I AM´s walk around defending/justifying/imposing their own private bubbles of spite; LIFE will be HERE when ALL I´s SEE ALL as EQUAL as ONE: as LIFE.

zillions of unique expressions, equal as Life in HONOR of SELF and each other as EQUALs as LIFE.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, the middle part reminds me of the song by Juno: the tree hugger

    check it out :)


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