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Sunday, July 12, 2009

SELF-REALize or Self-ReaLIEze

Self-realization: seeing what we have made ourselves real as - the truth of self as how self experience self, as how self´s presence resonates despite what one believe or say - and realizing that we have become what we are through our own acceptance and allowance.

That implies that I am the directive principle of me -because it was through MY acceptance and allowance that I created myself as what I am now: a reflection of my thoughts, beliefs, judgments and emotions; a separate entity in a Bubble of Mind; Fearing death - How can we Live when we´re busy Surviving?

LIFE as who I really am demands from me to MAKE MYSELF REAL as LIFE - HERE, within and as the Physical. To MAKE MYSELF REAL as the living word, wherein my thoughts, words and deeds are one and equal; wherein All Life is honored Equally and Self is the directive principle as Life as Equality and Oneness.

We have become Real-LIES. We see this everywhere. Our world reflects us back to us.

Our words are a LIE, our thoughts are a LIE, our emotions are a LIE, our pictures are a LIE, our ´love´ is a LIE. Life has become a LIE. Is this LI(f)E? Are we alive?

With every thought, word and action in every moment of breath each one determine self. We each are equal to what we accept and allow within self and within our world.

self-realization = self-real-as-I-say-so

I Realize that I am the cause of my presence - cause as effect as one and equal - and that it is always I that determine who I am: either through acceptance, allowance, submission OR through self-direction in self-responsibility as Life for Life.

We have been programmed by directions of others and designed through our acceptances and allowances. We can STOP - and become the directive principle of Self Here; be the Source, equal as LIFE.

We can stand up and SELF-REALize LIFE.

Accept no separation, no submission, no polarity, no masters, no gods, no judgments; no dishonesty, no deception, no abuse, no manipulation, take no bullshit from self or anyone else.

Then SELF-REALization is not an empty word or a profound state to attain - but is who I am, what I stand for and as, and what I create equal and one.

We have become systems within a System, where the Systems are god and us, all of us: Slaves.

Life has been deceived and we are all equally response-able.

Enough is enough!

Stop the LI(f)E in every breath!

No more slaves! No more masters!

SELF-REALize LIFE as who we all really are. We need COMMON Sense, common ground, common interest - we are all of the same Substance.

Let´s get real!

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