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Monday, February 28, 2011

‘Make a Living’?! – The System has got you....... by the balls!

To be able to survive and ‘make a living’ (what a fucked-up idiom!*), the System demands that you find your way and use the opportunities that are here. At the same time however, it is the System that determines the opportunities that are here for you, because depending on where you are born into: whether you’re rich or poor, whether you are well taken care of or mishandled, whether you’re able to educate yourself or not, what ‘level’ of the hierarchy you ‘belong to’ etc. – your whole life is painted. You didn’t even pick the colours, though sometimes you get to buy the brushes, just so you get the illusion of choice...

The System is just like God: It spits you into existence without giving you the awareness of co-creation and responsibility – your consciousness being like an onion: layers upon layers of veils, blinding you from the blatant truth of yourself, the truth of what is here – and places temptations on your way, not without first giving you the ‘knowledge’ that these are temptations so you are tempted, upon which you’ll often go “Oh wow, I AM....(this or that...)!

It wants to see you fall, it wants to see you crawl on your needs/knees.

After all, you’re not really supposed to ‘win’, you’re just supposed to DESIRE winning and FEAR losing: the ultimate polarity by which God, the system, can have you by the balls. What a jerk, the Grand Master-Bait.

Alright, let’s not waste breath on assholes, the point is simple: Equality is the Key to the Universe, within as without. Investigate. Dare. Care. Stand-Up.

An Equal Money system will not only be based on Life as all as one as equal and abolish polarity from its God/Gut (hereby supporting the human to do the same) – it will also, and for the first time in the history of mankind, provide actual Choice and freedom of movement!
Do the research, do the math, and support Life!

*I just looked up the word ‘idiom’: “fixed expression with nonliteral meaning” was one of the definitions. Ironic how this particular idiom is LITERALLY LITERAL, and how idiom sound like idiot.

1 comment:

  1. check out the following vlog too:


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