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Thursday, May 19, 2011

UTOPIA ...? Let’s give it a Home – a Destenation! (A discussion on the separation of church and state, and more)

Any great idea will remain Utopia unless it is given a practical context and a purposeful application that can be lived into reality.

Not that we’ve had many great ideas in the history of mankind... At Desteni we are coming forth with a ‘utopia’ that is for the first time a great idea considering ALL and EVERYTHING that is here – a great idea that in fact considers what is best for all. The foundation for this is the principle of equality. This may not be a new concept, obviously, yet the approach and the practical application that is being proposed is something that will not only ‘blow your mind’ – it will blow the whole current system apart!
“Thank God!”, one could say, finally, something that will help clear the dust and rust of this millennia old machine, that ended up in this world wide monarchy of money, feeding on life instead of nurturing all children of the world!
One however does not say that. Au contraire, this great idea is being resisted and fought from many corners, especially of course those that fear losing the oh so dear money (because even though money equals debt, it also equals power ... makes you wonder, doesn’t it...)
Have those with money lost their man-I ...?
It seems so, otherwise they would not be placing money before life, power before life, fear before life.

Today I was discussing the separation of religion and state, and I was challenged to look at an argument saying that "the logic of separating church and state is not all that different from the logic of separating the private economy from the state" – an argument based on an excerpt with the title "Religious Liberty and the Separation of Church and State".
I was not aware of Paul Starr’s book, "Freedom’s Power", however I looked at the principle and I see the parallel – though, let me place things into perspective:

We cannot allow beliefs and religious ideas (which are separatist or hierarchical in nature to begin with) to lead our world, or even to lead the leaders of our world, as that is not a starting-point that will ensure what is best for all.

Re-interpretation of the Bible by Cameron Cope

The same with economy: if we define the 'state' as the 'whole'/what's best for all (not that it is currently) and if we define 'private economy' as the ego-driven separatist application of economy just like the one we witness day in day out within and as our current money-system that is not based in real, actual value, but only in profit-making  --- then it is obvious that economy and welfare are separate and that an economy based on profit is not supporting all life equally.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not in any way proposing that ‘private economy’ should exist at all! Because now that it does – please have an honest look at our world and ask yourself whether you’d be willing to put yourself in the shoes of another – in the shoes of ANY OTHER BEING in this world – and walk their life as if it is yours.
The answer is obvious and the practical implication is that we cannot allow this reality, this world as we know it, to continue the way it’s currently going.

In an equal money system, everyone will have the choice to follow a religion as long as that is not influencing others – as long as a religion is not harming or compromising life. No more violation of human rights based on beliefs and religious traditions!
In an equal money system, the economy will no longer be based in profit but will be based in the value of life. People will still be able to make more money and have ‘more luxuries’ than the equal high standard available to all, but the money-making will not happen in a way that will monopolize resources or compromise the quality of a product to serve the profit-making of a select few. Nope!

Art by Jessica Arias
Let’s finally agree that the value of life is life – and that life is the highest value to be honored and practically taken care of in this one reality we all share!

Equality is about practically establishing the value of life that we all equally have in common as the spirit of our breath. We all breathe the same air!

Equality is about stopping the religion of money as it exists today : where money is the god that decides who lives and who dies in this world.

In an equal money system with equal opportunities for all, there will for the first time exist actual choice!

Life/living can be something that supports self-expression, self-expansion – and each one will have the means, the time and the freedom to expand in their skills, talents and expression. 
From this starting-point we can all stop 'surviving' and start living! From this starting-point the whole application of work/working will change, the motivation will change, and self will be/become the actual driving force of oneself and one's world – in equality. 
That is real power, that is real freedom. this is a promising scenario, but it must be willed into awareness and applied into beingness – it must be practically lived into creation – a creation where we can all live constructively and co-exist without fear!

Art y Matti Freeman

In a world of equality, we can each be ‘source’ – instead of fighting like vampires for ‘energy’. In the current world system, energy is currently manifest as the money-system – it’s goal: ‘power’ – a world that is reflecting back to us ‘who we are’/who we have become and what has become of our creation: one only need look at how we exist within the current world-system, and how (we allow) things (to) move within the money-system, while we at the same time accept that half the world must suffer in untold conditions while some suck on the resources of the EARTH that is here for all – the Earth that no money can buy, and no money can save – unless We Stop, and re-evaluate our existence into a co-existence that places life in the first place – the ‘highest moral’.

Because see – in equality ALL can have More of All : that is real quality, that is real MorAl.

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