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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Demilitarization | No more wars

Why is the End of all war the only way to LIFE?

We can only change things through and as 'who we are' and how we co-exist. If we exist within war and separation -- how will that ever change this reality, this world?

We are seeing everywhere on Earth that protests, resistance, separation and the attempts of 'cleaning' the status quo through violence or force bring nothing in the end, no actual change; because the starting-point is not self-realization and the taking of responsibility for/as what is here as all as one as equal; but rather blame, finger-pointing, separation : in other words war.

The same principle is valid for the individual self-realization/purification process of each being. As long as we exist in a state of 'war' within ourselves and our interactions, this world will be one of war. One is only able to purify the mind by actually changing the being - realizing in self-honesty what we have become and what has been accepted and allowed within the 'hierarchy' on earth and all the 'hierarchies' and 'power-games' in the mind.

Thus the change must be self-willed, in actuality, through 'man know thyself' and taking responsibility.

Therefore the 'purifying' of our world - equal and one with the purifying of ourselves - can only be done in equality to and full responsibility of 'what is here'; it is done in actuality as we walk, in every breath, as we live the solution into creation, into beingness, as 'who we are'.

Demilitarization is the way to go if there's gonna be a future for Humanity.

The question is: will man be kind and brave enough? or will cowardice drive us?
Weapons are only needed in our desperate attempt to hide our inFeariority through an imposed or projected superiority. Amazing Disgrace - the Human Race. It's time to STOP.

Are we EVIL or do we LIVE ?
Where is Life in this world and Where are We in every moment ?
How long will we continue accepting this insanity of existence ? And what could be an actual solution ?

Investigate the principle of Equality; equality & oneness, the actual principle through which we all are facing ourselves Here : our 'Here' being equal to what we have become.
We are always facing 'who we are'.

It is time for Man(to-be)Kind to Stop the insanity and change the accepted 'human nature' that creates/sustains systems that harm life.
It is time to Stop existing as parasites and consider actual change.

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