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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cult of Holy Spirit/Spear-it/Spare-it | Is it truly Wholly ?

Wholly Spirit

The holy spirit is 
wholly as
the breath of life - 
as the life that all 
living beings share - 
We all breathe the same air.

There is no requirement or necessity to separate oneself from this life force and call it 'god' or whatever.
The only reason to do that would be the intention to abdicate responsibility to such projected entity - to not have to be accountable for our creation here.

It is insane:
the human seeks 'power' (directly or unconsciously) - and yet abdicates the very power as life that comes with breathing here - the responsibility for life, for all that is here.

Equality is in fact the 'highest' a living being can be.

Within equality one can be anything, yet is not limited to something, which one apparently 'own' or 'possess' and has to 'protect' against others or 'prove' as worthy or valuable through self-righteousness.

Self-honesty is required to let go of ego and Stand as Life - as a self-willed equal to all that is here - as one, as whole, here, as self-directive principle.

We can ALL be truly wholly.
All together and each one individually.

The Holy Spirit as 'god' is like a cult. All cults are mind fabrications claiming 'grandeur' and 'exclusivity'.
Life is All-Inclusive.
The Sun is Here for All. Nature knows no boundaries.

Why is Man not Equal as the Sun/Son?
Because of the want/need/desire for 'something more'?

Why does man not BECOME 'more' in fact -Earth could be Heaven for All if man will it-, instead of making-it up in the 'mind' where it becomes 'mine', possession, delusion, enslavement... and we keep on 'mining' for 'more'...!

'Mind the gap'.

Rather Breathe Here. 
Let's Walk in Awareness on the Souls/Soles of our Feet - facing Self, as all that is here. 
Rather become the Wholly Spirit of Life, Equal as the Value of Life: in Dignity and mutual Respect; Worthy of Life, Worthy of each-other, Worthy of the Air we breathe.

Self-Willed Equals will Free ourselves and Life as who we are from the enslavement of this human consciousness that is of separation, suppression, 'superior'-obsession, supposed 'profession'.


Instead of secretly, in the mind, following what one 'beLIEve' and 'hold dear' in self-righteousness and in fear - Rather be one vote for LIFE - Speak up, speak out, shout it out loud! LIVE!

Join Reality: Here are Human Beings Standing up to realize self.response.ability for What is Here - within this creating a new desteni for Humanity, as man-kind in fact, in actuality.

‎"The only soul of value is the sole of your feet that take you breath by breath to walk in the shoes of each other and take care of each other as if it is yourself -- then the soul/sole is nurtured and valuable and supported and supportive" 
‎"See the inbreath as accepting life and the outbreath as giving life -- it must be equal --
as you receive you give
thus -- the trees live on our outbreath and we live on the outbreath of the trees" 
- Bernard Poolman

‎"...human beings have defended the ‘right to believe whatever I want’ as a form of self righteousness that stems from our delusion of apparently having ‘free choice’ and ‘free will’ in this reality, which are only but a pair of aspects that we’ve debunked within this process of Self Honesty. While walking it, we see and realize that we are subjects of a preprogrammed reality, endowed with preprogrammed features to create the faux perception that we are ‘free to think’ whatever the hell we want – we can! yes, though from thinking to reality there’s a huge step missed: the physical-living and tangible reality we are realizing ourselves as. 
Within this, the mind conjectures become invisible ‘food for thought’ that serves no purpose in the physical reality, but allowing each being to remain as an enclosed bubble of thinking processes justifying and excusing itself of how thinking is ‘at least’ the self-righteous act wherein we ‘make the rules’. Hmm." 
- Marlen Vargas Del Razo

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