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Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Where is the Passion?

I embrace within me a form of `anger´ that is Here when I see how I have compromised the Passion of Life as who I am.

Why do we fear to live our Passion?

We fear people´s judgment, we fear being misunderstood, we fear being envied or `rejected´ by the many that stick-together, in a fearful attempt to keep their life `working´ as it does, at least in their Belief.

This is unacceptable!

I eject myself from this lock-down-system and I stand as Passion as Life - to no-more accept compromise.

Why is the Passion of Life being compromised?

The Passion of Life in this world is linked to the propagated fantasy of `the one´ - where one will `save the best for last´ and become close-fisted and reserved, waiting for `the one´ - when in-fact we each Are `the one´, yet unable to Give ourselves to ourselves and to Life in every moment of breath.


The Passion of Life is who I am as Life - is who each-one really is as Life - it is Life´s Passion for Life: to do what it takes to reveal the lies and the chains we allow ourselves to be subject to.

I will no-longer allow myself to compromise myself to some `morality´ in the back of my mind, a programmed `set of rules´ of which I don´t even know the equation, a control-system based on this world´s ideas of `right´ & `wrong´!


In this world, Life is compromised. As with Passion, Intimacy is compromised.

Why is Intimacy compromised?

We learn that Intimacy is linked to sex only. In our families, we don´t learn to Live Intimately - we don´t learn what is Real, we don´t learn that: Into-me-I-See.

Instead, what is Real is veiled by a `codex moralicus´; We don´t want to see ourselves, as we hide behind the veil of who we want to believe we are; We don´t want to be `the one for me´ as we are driven by subliminal impulses to always search for `the one´.

`Intimacy´ in this world is something that is happening behind closed doors only - only with someone `special´.


Real Intimacy is to See `who we are´ and Dare to Share - in the Realization that we Are in-essence All of the same Life-substance.

Intimacy in-action is to reveal what is Here unconditionally; and share another´s Pain until Pain is no-more and not one of us is suffering in Existence.

Why do we fear Intimacy?

Because `intimacy´ in the matrix is linked to sex - and sex is linked to the Game of `winning´ and `losing´ - whereby we perceive that if we´d be intimate with ourselves and the world around us - we would risk `losing´ something.

The only thing lost here is Life itself, the Passion of Life as Life, as we suppress our Joy of Being and our Connectedness and our Sharing of ourselves in Real-Communication and CommonSense.

This only reveals that we haven´t learned to accept ourselves, we haven´t learned to live `who we are´. Instead, we want others to accept us and thus we `live´ a persona as who we think we must be to be accepted.

If we accept ourselves, acceptance from others becomes irrelevant.

If we trust ourselves, trust from others is irrelevant, yet likely.

When I know who I am as I stand as the Passion of Life - I trust myself. I am Here - and I know what I stand for, I know what I stand as - and that is sufficient, it must be sufficient, there is no other way.

This `anger´ that is Here is not an anger towards someone or something. It is an expression of me standing-up in the statement that: Compromise is not acceptable - ´till here and No-more!

This `anger´ is my commitment to myself to no-more allow or accept Life to be compromised, no-more an Existence of zombies, no-more an Existence of living-Dead.

This `anger´ is the spark of my Passion as who I am as Life, the spark of my Will to stand for what is Real, until I am Real and Free as who I am;

This `anger´ is the spark of my Determination to stand for All Life until Life is Here and All are Equally Free in-fact; until All is One and Love is Equal in-fact.

The Passion of Life is Here as who I am.

I am Grateful to all fellow-beings who Dare to Share and to call things by their true-name.

1 comment:

  1. Strong stuff! What is it that you've studied / are studying?
    Points for the Phoenix image, btw :)


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