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Monday, October 26, 2009


Within facing an interesting point: Jealousy - I realized that Jealousy is 'behind' every 'problem' we are faced-with as Humanity, within as without.

I faced jealousy when I saw for instance that:
My partner would be able to be 'funny' and laugh with other beings but 'not with me'. Or when my partner would give 'more attention' to another being than 'me'. Or another is able to apparently be 'light' and 'careless' and me apparently not.
Or for instance I experienced jealousy when I saw that another was able to 'lead' Guizzy, the new pony, without Guizzy running-off, when I myself was not yet able to do-that. Looking at this point specifically, I see that the point that creates the Jealousy is the point of comparison: where I would create an image/definition of myself as a conclusion from how others apparently perceive/think of me in COMPARISON to another, and what 'conclusions' others would apparently make 'about me' in COMPARISON to another. I saw the point of 'fearing to apparently be seen as 'not as good' or 'worse than' or 'not as capable'' etc. - when in-fact I am the one judging myself, defining myself as 'lacking' etc.
Which of course is a complete fuck-up if one allows oneself to follow such thoughts, 'calculations' and 'interpretations' that are based-in: Comparison.

So - I saw that the main points in relation to Jealousy are:

COMPARISON (between friends, family/siblings, in terms of 'gender', 'intellect', money/'status', possibilities for 'success' etc.)

COMPETITION (in school, in society, family/siblings, gender/looks/body-shape/appearance, in terms of 'abilities' etc.)

RIVALITY / RIVALRY (within family/siblings, friends-circles, societies, groups, leaders, countries etc.)

It seems like Jealousy is the Cause - Comparison/Competition/Antagonism/Rivalry etc is the Play-Out - and Spitefulness is the Effect.
The Cause being 'who we are', Playing-Out 'who we are' through 'what we Do' and 'what we Participate-in', creating an Effect Equal and One as 'who we are':
Creator - Creating - Creation --- the 'holy'-Trinity as Self - 'a Self' defined in Separation from the Whole, in Separation from Life.

Whether Spitefulness or Jealousy is at the 'beginning' or the 'end' of this 'holy'-Trinity = is Irrelevant: because the Result is an 'infinite'-Cycle, a 'Vicious-Circle', a Trap - a Cycle of Abuse and Denial of Life.

JEALOUSY is based-on the Differences of what we perceive to HAVE and NOT-HAVE - - and the FEAR of being 'less', that goes hand-in-hand with the DESIRE to be 'more'.
Thus what is evident in all of this is: the 'inherent Inability' to be EQUAL, the
unwillingness to SEE that underneath the 'make-up', the 'form', the 'gender', the 'intellect', the 'money', the 'access-oires', the 'appearance'/the picture - we ARE EQUAL.

The point that is not allowing us to Realize that we ARE EQUAL is the point of Possession through and as Jealousy - wherein we will support the accepted separation and the Polarity of/as 'superior'-'inferior'-Perceptions - by going-into Comparison, Competition, Antagonism, Rivality.

And why? Because we are seemingly not able to recognize our own 'value' as Life, not able to Accept ourselves and look at the practical perspective of 'our own process' and 'another's process' - - which is in-essence a process of Equalization, Amalgamation and REALization - possible only through Forgiveness: through the letting-go of Everything we have defined ourselves by and as, letting-go of 'who we perceive we are', letting-go of our apparent 'specialness' and the need to be 'someone', the need to be 'important', the need for 'power'.

Thus, if one is able to self-honestly look-at and see the points of Jealousy - - these points 'carry' within them as them the practical-Key to their 'transcendence', meaning:
In allowing Self to See the existent Jealousy - Self-Intimacy is possible. In allowing Self to See 'who I am' within that Jealousy - Self-Honesty is possible. In allowing Self to See the Consequence/Side-Effects of Jealousy - Self-Forgiveness is possible.

In the actual Stopping of the projected 'feelings', beliefs and perceptions that cause and support Jealousy - and within Realizing the SELF-Responsibility to make Self Real as Life, thus Equal to ALL expressions as One - - it can be seen that the points of Jealousy can be turned-into a Gift for Self within and as the Process of Equalizing ourselves and stopping the Separation we have accepted and allowed within ourselves;
Realizing that: 'if another has 'more' or is 'more' able - I do not need to judge this point, I do not need to have an emotional reaction toward this point - Let me see things for what they are :
If another is 'more able' - it is because 'they' are actually allowing themselves / pushing themselves / willing themselves to 'do-it'/'be-it' - - and thus I am equally able-to - and I may look at How 'this' or 'that' expression/application is possible and become-it Equally. No-one is standing in my way, but my own 'hold' onto self-definitions, perceptions, beliefs, fears, desires and denials.

In many cases I have found that the points I was experiencing jealousy towards were 'not real' and that the beings I was jealous-of were merely 'showing-off' something, or 'acting-out' something from the starting-point of wanting attention or 'trying to be something'. When I realized that, jealousy stopped.

This is not to say that there is any excuse or justification for Jealousy /for allowing the 'feeling' of Jealousy in any way whatsoever. We must will ourselves to Stop Jealousy in all its forms, whether it is jealousy of something 'real' or 'not-real' - because it is never about the 'other'. Jealousy is always showing us something about ourselves - 'who we are' as what we're accepting and allowing within ourselves.

Jealousy exists through a Comparison between: an accepted self-definition based-on the perception of: 'Lack', 'less-than', 'not-having', 'not good-enough', 'unloved', 'unworthy' etc. - and the desired-Projection of something 'better', 'more', 'more valuable', 'more worthy', 'more abundant', 'more able' and so-on.

It is obvious that at the bottom of every such 'point' as an 'experience' (made-'real' through perception/belief) - one will find: Jealousy.

'Money' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Power' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Luxury' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Marriage' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Relationship' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Friendship' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Having-Children' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Having-Pets' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Consumerism' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Sports' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Studying' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Working' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Science' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Spirituality' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Healing' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Cults' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'War' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Murder' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Rape' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Abuse' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Poverty' is a Manifestation of Jealousy
'Survival' is a Manifestation of Jealousy

'Disease' is a Manifestation of Jealousy

Jealousy is the human-Disease; the Human is Dis-Eased because of Jealousy.

Jealousy is 'functioning' within and as Energy.
Accumulation of Energy and the Desire for Energy is a Manifestation of Jealousy - - we have become 'Energy-Vampires' as a Manifestation of Jealousy out of our Fear of Lack, Fear of Loss, Fear of Not-Having, Fear of 'Death', Fear of Not-Being - - which in itself is in-fact a confirmation that we are Not-Being, we are Not-Real, because we are not Sustaining ourselves, we are not Sustaining Life - we are feeding-off each-other - - we are feeding-off what's left of Life within ourselves and each-other - - and then we Die.

What is there really to be 'jealous-of' within this human-existence?

And what stands in our way of becoming Real, Being Real - but ourselves and that which we believe we are: the Energy we follow, the Thoughts we follow, the Emotions we follow, the Fear we follow, the Regret we follow.

What stands in our way of Seeing what Matters - but our Choice of 'what we give attention-to', what we 'feed', what we dare to regard as 'important' and 'substantial' - when we are in-fact denying ourselves the very Substance that we are.

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