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Saturday, October 22, 2011

HUMANITY is a GROUP – Earthlings Come Together Here & Now

Who would imagine that the process of self-realization of Mankind would be intricately and intimately connected to the money-system of the world?!
Why do I say this? Let me explain.

Humanity is a group. 
I cannot possibly seek self-realization in a bubble where only myself or only my family or only my belief-system exists in separation from all that is here. Who I am and how I exist here is determined through all relationships I form with all and everything in my world, and in turn determines the relationships of this world. That is our Truth; it is seen in who we are in the context of the one reality we share, it is seen in how we co-exist in the world, the smaller and the greater.

Alone in the mind everyone can be a superhero. But who are we HERE? Who are we in relation to everyone and everything else? How do we participate in reality? That is what forms reality; that is what creates the ‘world as we know it’ – breath by breath, moment by moment, step by step, through eons of time we collectively and individually construct what is Here, our Here: this world.

I am here, on this earth, in this body. I don’t know where I come from, but I know that I, as all, return to the dust of the earth and leave behind the legacy of who each one is and who we are collectively. What I also know is that the legacy we’ve been carrying around through eons of time cannot be that profound, otherwise we would be facing a difference of reality; we wouldn’t be facing the world as we know it: separation, exploitation, power-games, hierarchies, false values, disregard of life.

Humanity is a group. 
This is what we realized and came together as, at Desteni – a group of people from all corners of the world standing up for life, for oneness and equality in practical-application. 

The objective is to purify that which we’ve accepted and called ‘life’ into something that is actually worth living – for all. The way is to stand together and live into creation the principle of oneness and equality, to dis-cover the value of life – the value of life is life; and all life is equally valuable. We see that it is up to us, the people, you and me, to stop our accepted ways and stand-up to form a new system that will make it possible for all to LIVE a dignified life.

We come together to be the custodians of life on earth, as Earthlings. The destonian way of life goes beyond gender, race, culture, religion, status. The destonian way of life aims to transcend any and all hierarchies, any and all separation, any and all belief-systems. So that only life remains.
Purifying ourselves, we are able to purify our world. Beginning with ourselves, we expand to all that is here. Beginning with our relationships and co-existence in the small, we expand to the bigger picture, encompassing the globe and including all life. We stand all-inclusive and we hold the self-realization as life for all, even for those who are not yet willing to give up their self-definitions, their belief-systems, their fears.

We stand all inclusive because we see that we are each the result of the relationships and circumstances we were born into. No one was ever free to live, free to be and communicate as life. Weve only ever looked for like-minded people to ‘feel safe’, people that will agree with our beliefs and accept our weaknesses and pretenses so that no one has to change. Weve buying into the easy-fix solutions the system seems to offer and trying and keep to ourselves because “hey, what could I possibly do…” We keep using the masks we developed as coping-mechanisms in the context of family, friends, enemies; but we never really get to know another intimately, we never really commit to anything. Instead, we submit to fear and the survival-system we are presented with from birth to death.

The time for change is Here and Now.

It is the end of the world as we know it. 
Because we see and we understand. We can no longer hide from the truth of ourselves.

For the first time we see and realize that in order to re-create ourselves in the image and likeness of who we really are as life: we have to include everyone and everything of our world, our existence, this one reality we share. We have to responsibly investigate how we have formed and conditioned ourselves and others through relationships of dependency, mistrust, manipulation; relationships in dishonesty, secrecy, pretense.

For the first time in the history of mankind a group has come together that stands not against anyone or anything, but stands for all and for the realization of life as equality and oneness, for the actualization of life based on and as the value of life.

As Destonians we stand alone and follow no one. Yet we walk together, assisting and supporting ourselves and each-other in transforming our living-application and transcending our existence into what is best for all life.

We stand alone – all:one  because self-realization entails SELF-honesty, SELF-trust, SELF-will. No one can realize for another, no one can breathe for another. Each one must stand-up within oneself and find stability and trust on one’s own two feet. No masters and no slaves have place in a new world where life is the value.

We share our processes in public because we stand for transparency, and because we realize that the consciousness cycles we are trapped in are universal: bipolar patterns of mind control that work from inside out. We fear ourselves, the world and each-other. People conspire in greed, jealousy, anger, spite. People wallow in self-pity, vengeance, remorse.  And the current accepted system is not supporting anyone in letting go of the monsters we have created within and without, the current system is not supporting anyone in breaking the chains of this prison we call ‘life’.

Au contraire: the system re-creates the monsters through polarity education, indoctrination of fear and separation, and the monsters we become re-create the system in turn, and so history is repeating and the world is as we know it.

We stand for a new world-system/money-system that will end all hierarchies, stop all abuse and leave no room for exploitation; a new system that will be based on the value of life and created to serve and support life – all life equally.

If you get what I’m saying, then get informed, get involved, walk with us in purifying this existence, washing our brains in self-responsibility and stopping the mind-control from the inside out. As long as fear exists, life is not possible. As long as we look for saviors, we remain slaves.

We say that life is possible, and we are our own living proof. The more we share, the more people see common sense and start seeing things for what they are. Start taking self-responsibility, start recognizing the LIE in the beLIEfs we’ve created to dominate each-other and Stop.

Come together to live practical solutions into creation, solutions that will support all life equally and end separation and exploitation – once and for all.

No gods, no masters, no slaves.

LIFE HERE is possible – for ALL as ONE, as self-willed Equals of Life.

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