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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In the Spirit of Life : Equality and Oneness

“There is no spirit to set free. There is no exploring possible without considering every one else as well. If we just explore OUR WILL, we create the world in the way it is NOW. Self responsibility is to do what is best for ALL and that CAN only be done in the way that is best for ALL - A STRUCTURED WAY Considers ALL and SET ALL FREE and there is no INTOXICATING SPIRITS that want to do THEIR own thing as FREE CHOICE. No Choice is EVER FREE - there are ALWAYS consequences.”  

Change is only possible as Equal and One. This means we cannot change the world if we are not accepting ourself as the world, or if we seek to elevate ourself from what is here. This is exactly where religion, spirituality, new age and all belief-system fail, while ignoring, disregarding, denying what is here.

What is here – we have created. The spirits of our past are haunting us in every Now whispering into our ear the Future they project out of fear of losing themselves. 
This fear is like a spectre hovering in the background, keeping us from changing, attempting to preserve its self-definition, living through us, creating ‘who we are’ in this world. In accepting this fear through inaction, indifference, ignorance, denial, suppression, justifications: we are silently giving permission for fear to rule the hearts of this world and direct existence into self-destruction.

No man is an island. 
We cannot exist in separation of each-other, in separation from life without consequence. And this world – is the manifested consequence of who we are, what we have been, and what we have created. Time to face the truth of ourselves – it is Here.

Let's bring all our ‘spirits’ Here to be faced and purified until only LIFE remains as who we all really are. Real dignity, actual value: LIFE – the breath of life as equality and oneness, as the breath we all share in every moment.

Separation is not the way. Equality is. Not as a mental concept, but as a living principle - the starting point of every breath.

“When we need to remember where we are and who we are, we are Lost. When we are HERE, we will be Aware that we Have created HERE as what it is now and we have no excuse but to direct HERE to what is best for All. To be LOST is not real, it is only a television series. Memories are Always the Past. Memories are Never HERE as LIFE. Stop listening to the LOST that say you must Remember yourself. They are LOST in the ILLUSION of self created Light and Love Memories.” 

Yes, it may be ‘easier’ to remain secluded in one’s own mind and call it ‘mystical’. I have done this too, I have walked the path of spirituality in search of myself until I realized I am here; until I realized for myself that I was only creating an alternate reality bubble in separation from all that is here, while the challenge is in fact within this world and every breath we are faced with.
Yes, change takes time and we may not see the results of our contribution in our lifetime - yet every decision we make, even that of indifference, has an impact on the future, the children to come, this world as a whole, in all-times to-come. The mere fact that we are HERE is evidence of our responsibility.

Mankind is failing and falling exactly at this point of “life is too short” or “what can I do!?” - that is where most will start creating excuses and justifications to not have to stand-up and do what it takes for an accumulative effect that will bring forth actual change; most will find a way to simply ‘cope with’ what is here. Trapped in survival and self-interest, most will not care what kind of world they leave behind.

To ‘accept’ this world as it is and ‘that’s that’ : is to give permission for and allow things to continue in the world as we know it. And this world is clearly UNACCEPTABLE.

Investigate the solution of Equality. Not as a mental concept, but as a living principle: Let it be the starting point of every breath – 

Who will you be?

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