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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Isms & Schisms | The Monopoly we Play and Pay with our Lives

The WEST has become the WASTE that piles up
The EAST has become the YEAST that sprawls
All of it is Everywhere
The world system is Oneness – the Oneness of polarity of ‘shepherds’ and ‘sheep’, 
a Oneness where no one cares about another
Self-preservation, self-interest, self-amputation
As Fear has become bigger than the life spark in every pulse

The system suffocates the pores of the Earth that see no ‘east’ or ‘west’, ‘north’ or ‘south’
No borders know the air, water and sun
No borders to the rotting smell of the human vanity
A Oneness without Equality is INSANITY

The high-era-key and the cap-it-all has been the Common of Communism
The obscenity of planned obsolescence the Plan of Capitalism
And all ISMS of this world have been Schisms
Dividing and Conquering
A vicious circle with seemingly no beginning and no end

All Isms submerged to the One supreme creation of Man-not-Kind:
Trapped in its own creation is the MAN-EYE  
The CON-Science of SeeEvilEyeZation surfs on a path of Evil-lution and Ill-lumination
As men seek ‘godhood’ and ‘power’ through a monopoly of divide & conquer
The game of kings and queens
That everyone will cuss but secretly envy

Life seems to be a game on a bipolar chessboard
Not so for the children that die in pain while
Men reach for the light of the stars and devil may care for the darkness we leave behind
It seems impossible to find forgiveness
What are we doing, what have we done...

What we have done we can only undo one by one
Breath by breath step by step
In every HERE moment
Death is too late
Don’t isolate

Live! Don’t be-Lie-ve
A moment never returns
And yet it does to catch you
For you to face YOU
The only grace
Face it
Embrace it
Stand Up
YOU are the ONE you’ve been waiting for

Join the FREEDOM BLOGS – Join the Destonians in this global movement of exposing the truth of this world that is ourselves; join the motion of giving Life back to Life: through a process of self-realization, self-honesty, self-responsibility and practical COMMON SENSE; and a new system where life is the value, a system of equality and oneness for actual life support, a system where we no longer accept or allow division, abuse, exploitation or fraud, a system that won’t feed off of life like the current consumerism trap.

Debt, scarcity, inflation, taxation – are but outflows of a fraud system where profit is placed before life. It is time to re-evaluate our existence and give LIFE the highest value, as it should be. We all breathe same air, we all require the same things to have a dignified life on this planet. We are able to will a newsystem into existence and care for all of life equally, and provide every body with the highest quality life on earth has ever seen.

When the starting-point of a technological system is “to produce technology that benefit all life, it is already a starting-point that creates superior technology. When the starting point is to build a product to be better than another product for profit ... the products do not combine what is best; they each have one aspect that compete with another aspect and both products/technologies are inferior and incomplete due to patents and copyrights. These things will no longer hamper the development of superior technology in an equality system.” – Bernard Poolman

Investigate the proposal of an equal money system – a path out of money and into life, out of survival and into living; for all, equally and as one.

We only have ONE PLANET. 
There is no Plan B.

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