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Sunday, November 27, 2011

WE are the Aliens – Time to become EARTHLINGS


We learnt to think that ‘human nature’ is what it is.
We do not consider that by accepting this as ‘given’, as pre-programmed, as our legacy as human-kind, we are perpetuating the ‘status quo’ of the world as we know it – which is everything else but kind.

We tend to use nature and the animal kingdom in an attempt to justify why we (co-)exist the way we do, saying that for animals to exist in mutual consumption and competition for resources/survival, it must be ‘natural’ and the only way for humans and the rest of ‘life’.

Never for a moment do we question the accepted ‘human nature’ – 
we do not consider that this world is a reflection of who WE are, and that if WE dare to change (since we DO have the intellect and common sense to see we are heading towards self-destruction) everything else may change consequently.

We learnt to think that we are the effect of a ‘mysterious’ cause, and avoid acknowledging the manifested consequences of cause and effect as evident in this world. Moreover, we deny our own involvement within it all; we deny responsibility for what is Here and invent all kinds of theories and projections onto which we abdicate our power to create, design, form reality. 
We refuse to see and recognize the EFFECT we CAUSE each in our personal worlds, as well as the EFFECT we CAUSE within the greater picture/the Whole through all that we each accept and allow or choose to ‘ignore’ at any given moment.

Let’s STOP; and create a World that is Best for All.

Let us allow ourselves to consider the possibility that if WE change – change ourselves, our co-existence and the systems we construct to manage ourselves through – everything will change! We won’t know until we do it! But we DO know that we can’t continue with the world and ‘humanity’ as we know it:
We are heading towards self-destruction.

Not only the animal kingdom, also the weather patterns are showing us the insanity we are manifesting, wherein the bipolar reality-construct as we’ve created/accepted/allowed it is becoming more and more extreme, the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer, the natural disasters more violent, and the ‘demonic possessions’ in the human minds are escalating more and more into incidents of hatred, rape, murder.

Also the spontaneous revolutions and protest are becoming more and more heated as the people of the world shout-out and stand-up to revolt against the system’s oppression, against the inhumanity of humanity and the laws that violate people’s right to life – without any actual solutions taking place to benefit LIFE.

It is up to us, the People, you and me – the building blocks of this world system – to change the paradigm of an existence that is parasitic in nature, and consider practical ways to an equilibrium that has never existed before.

We have the knowledge, the experience and the technology to do this. 
The last ingredient for a successful transcendence of ‘life’ is the WILL of Man and the consistency and courage to do what it takes and not give up, until Life is ONE and we can stand as equals of life, as brothers and sisters in fact. Not give up until all abuse, exploitation and disgrace is abolished from the face of the Earth, once and for all, and we have cleared the way to create heaven on earth for all and finally start Living and discovering what Life, what we, can be.

We have been the ‘Aliens’ that have accepted and allowed – and through our daily participation given permission for – the alienation of life, the alienation of the planet, the alienation of ourselves.
It is time to stop; and re-evaluate our existence.

It is time to ask ourselves what we can actually learn from history and how we can finally stop history repeating and change the patterns that make up the context of life on this planet. 

It is time to be/become EARTHLINGS, time to humble ourselves and find Common Sense, as Common People, breathing Common Air on Common Ground: 
the ONE planet we share – Let’s share it equally.

Let’s stop this system of ownership, possession, profit and greed that only feeds off of life, and let’s create a new system of actual life support that nurtures ALL LIFE EQUALLY.

It is possible – It’s up to us!

Get informed - Get involved! 
Find ways to stop being part of the problem - and start being part of the Solution: 
Equality is the way to actual Oneness of Life.

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