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Friday, February 24, 2012

2012 Reasons for a Higher Purpose

Ever considered that you’re doing the ‘right’ thing for the WRONG reasons ???
Ever claimed you’re doing something for NO reason ???
Ever dared doing the ‘wrong’ thing for the RIGHT reasons ???
Ever realized that you’re reasoning away the actuality of reality ???

What is REASON?
Our reasons are always representing our starting-point, the beginning of a decision, a movement, a step we take.
Therefore, there is always a reason for doing something or moving toward a certain direction, even if that reason may not be in one’s conscious awareness.

Since the REASON is always the beginning, this implies that seeing, knowing and understanding the reason – the beginning, the starting-point – we are able to see and understand the end – the result, the outflow.
‘Beginning and end’ is equal to ‘cause and effect’.
What effect do we cause through who we are in every moment?
This is a reality of consequence.
Consequences are the outflows of who we are, the result we effect through the cause of our being.

Everything in this existence exists within and through relationships. Everything we do, every step has an outflow, a result, an impact – on the whole. That is how we are creating this reality, this existence, this world as we know it.
The abuser does not exist by itself – everything exists in relationships, and for that we are all responsible.
The system (as we’ve created/accepted/allowed it) creates the abuser: through the support of self-interest, competition and secrecy – constantly re-creating inequality, comparison, greed, despair. Who are the real criminals in the face of life? The one who steals food to survive or the white collar that works to maintain a system of separation in the name of profit?

The earth provides everything all, but man created a concept ‘scarcity’ and exploits what is here in the name of profit – all the while billions suffer.
The current system offers many distractions, resulting in the shifting of responsibility and blame. Such comments prove how easily people get distracted by ‘sensationalism’ and do not see the whole picture. Then one will quickly jump into conclusions about who is to blame, all the while one is accepting and giving permission for the system to exist as it does = in a way that supports/tolerates inequality and the exploitation of life.

Many people search for PURPOSE in life, and the current con system of consumerism and consumption is good at selling us a purpose you can buy into and follow, a purpose that will give us the feeling we’re ‘doing the right thing’ or ‘getting somewhere’, a feeling that we’re ‘important’, that we are ‘someone’, that we are ‘good’; all the while we are basically maintaining the world ‘as we know it’ and supporting the survival of a persona in self-interest – which is basically the system: where what we do is motivated by self-interest in the name of profit (whether profit is defined as actual money and riches or a ‘god’ and god’s grace or the ‘pursuit of happiness’ and ‘personal freedom’ – in any case we are in fact always enslaved to the whole system, and half the world suffers starvation and despair as a result of this survival system we all participate in day in day out.

When people make decisions about who they are and how they exist – whether consciously or unconsciously – they then tend to create the reasoning that ‘explains’ ‘why’ they do what they do, ‘why’ they are how they are. People reason about intellectually, in the mind, to not have to see the actual REASONS for this existence – the world as we know it – in the physical: this reality we all share.

When we however start investigating our actual reasons, the actual starting-point of everything we do, say, think, participate in and how this reality functions: we get to an understanding of ourselves and the world and what the relationships we entertain support or create or give permission for to exist here.

Every moment, every word, every deed – who we are and what we participate in – is a piece of the puzzle of the things to come. The problem within this is that we’ve been manifesting this world in ignorance, and then we claim that ignorance is ‘bliss’. We’ve been creating this world in unawareness, through our secret minds, our fears, our denials, our desires.

As a representation of the mind within, we have created without a metaphysical system – the current money system – through which we attempt to manage the actual physical reality; with atrocious results as we can see all around.

As we get to an understanding about the mechanics of this reality, and as we get to self-honesty about the REASONS of our existence, our behaviour, our decisions, our definitions of ourselves and the world: what emerges is the realization that we can free ourselves from the predetermined ‘fate’ we are born into and able to determine our ‘reasons’ in awareness; clear our starting-point, re-evaluate how we exist – re-define and re-form what we call ‘life’.

As we realize that every here moment forms the shape of the things to come, we can see that we can stop existing for purposes given to us by the system to keep the system alive while we abdicate our power and leave ourselves and this world to ‘fate’; and are able to LIVE HERE in every moment in awareness of our role in the context of the whole, which is LIFE.

What ‘Purpose’ is can be redefined: from a projected ‘feel good’-picture that serves the ego in disregard of the whole – to a practical living in self-determination of ‘who I am’ in every moment in the context of LIFE as Best for All, thus supporting and bringing forth the utmost potential for all life.

It is vital to UNDERSTAND life – and start LIVING ...instead of being literally driven by preordained and conditioned ideas about life.

Is there at all a RIGHT reason for ‘doing things’?
Looking at this question from a system perspective we see that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ really doesn’t make much difference in the system, because what is ‘right’ for one is often ‘wrong’ for another, and within the system each one is encouraged to promote their ‘own’ beliefs, their ‘own’ truth, their ‘own’ philosophy about things. What is not seen is that in any case all of this serves the protection of one’s personal ‘pursuit of happiness’ and the ‘justification’ of the things we do in the name of self-interest.

Never is the Whole considered, never do we see all points or consider the outflows, the consequences and the practical implications our participation has for everything and everyone else – for that which we call ‘life’, for the existence we are creating /accepting /allowing on our planet.
Looking in self-honesty at this world, which is a reflection of who we are, we can definitely see that what we’re doing /accepting /allowing cannot be justified!

We, humanity, have no excuses for what we’re doing to ourselves and each-other.

From the perspective of life, there is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ – there is only ‘who we are’ and the consequences thereof.

As we come to an understanding of the ‘bigger picture’, as we get to the humbleness that comes with the insight of the atrocity of this existence and our individual involvement within it all, we can look at the point of ‘right reasons’ and ‘wrong reasons’ from a very simplistic, practical perspective, through which we are actually able to remove the systematic polarity definition of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and place the question in the context of LIFE:

Within the context of life, ‘wrong’ would be all that which is an expression of self-dishonesty.
Self-dishonesty being our self-interest, our separation from life that based in the consciousness of fear and greed, comparison, jealousy, competition, fear of loss. In self-dishonesty we realize ourselves as systematic robots that function as conditioned happiness machines programmed to seek the jackpot whatever it takes while we are successfully distracted with bright shiny things to not see the whole picture and the role each one is actually playing within the Whole; to not see ourselves as creators and this existence as our creation – our responsibility.

Within the context of life, ‘right’ would be that which is an expression of self-honesty.
Self-honesty being the point where we see things for what they really are and face ourselves and everything we have created /accepted /allowed /given permission for to exist within ourselves and our world; realizing ourselves as life, as equal creations of the substance we all come from, the substance we all return to, and as creators of this existence on this one planet we all share. It is simple common sense that Best for All would be to live and apply our equality as life in the utmost potential and make it available to all equally in all ways; making sure that the systems we create to manage our ‘time’ between life and death – both on the small scale (our character, our relationships, our interactions in every moment) and on the bigger scale (our systems of education, administration, distribution of resources) – support ALL LIFE EQUALLY.

SELF-HONESTY is the ‘path’ – the Living Self Choice – of stopping the limitations we have accepted and allowed within and about ourselves and our world; removing the systematic controls that have us trapped in a bipolar consciousness that keeps history repeating; transforming the equations of inequality and enslavement into common sense solutions of dignity and self-empowerment in equality – so that we may be able to re-create ourselves and our existence, this world, in a way that support ourselves and each-other as LIFE.


  1. Every moment, every word, every deed – who we are and what we participate in – is a piece of the puzzle of the things to come. Awesome common sense writings, thanks for sharing.

  2. Awesome blog and re-definitions here Bella, thanks for sharing!


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