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Monday, June 27, 2011

Re-defining Ascension in Equality & Oneness

a process of self-actualization...

ART by Ann van den Broeck

One cannot view the ‘person’ in separation from the whole/world; because in fact it is who each one is that creates the world as we know it.
Self-Honesty as life is not about ‘rules’. If all were self-honest and lived as life which means as equals, no rules would be needed to ‘protect’ one from another.

Observe and notice that ‘disagreement’ is always coming from mind/separation/self-righteousness that is ego-centered, while ‘agreement’ always come from physical/actual/life-awareness that is holistic.

At Desteni we work on ‘evolving’ the mind through self-will to be equal and one as Life, as that which is best for all.
We work on and suggest ‘stopping the mind’ of separation that is our conditioned beliefs, fears as well as mental and emotional patterns, and ‘elevating the mind’ as who we are/have become from a limited one-dimensional reality (ego) that is split in time to an All-encompassing physical reality Here 

This is the ‘highest’ one can get in ‘ascension’: to stand accountable for ‘who we are’ in all ways and start Living a co-existence that is best for all. That is Equality and Oneness as Life. Then ‘love’ is ‘work made visible’ as self-realized life.

It is going to take ‘time’ as it is a process through time and space, but no self-realization is possible in disregard of the context of self, which is: this world, this reality.

ART by Bastian Neumann

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