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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Labels, Medicine & Pharmaceutics VS. MANKIND?


...`bipolar´, `schizophrenic´, `ADHD´, `manic´, `depressive´, `psychotic´, `hysteric´, `borderline´, `multiple personality´= all are Aspects that exist within every human being, more or less, due to Separation (i.e. the Split of Self for the sake of Survival in this Reality), Suppressions, Denial, Lack of actual Support and real Communication within the basic System-unit: the Family.

Those that are exposed to a reactive environment or traumatic experiences that will `trigger´ the manifestation of a particular aspect - are labeled, categorized, marginalized.

Interesting the greek word Kategoria in the word Categorization = Judgment, Blame.

No wonder that `labeled´ individuals will get the message that `something is wrong with them´ and will inevitably either start blaming & judging themselves, or will go into anger & rebellion and will in both cases end-up in a never-ending inner struggle.

And look how this is the case for almost Everyone!

There is something wrong with this World!

The whole World is `bipolar´ - "BUY POLARity - it is for SALE - SAIL AWAY - Don´t be HERE, so that we can `feed´ you until you are fed-up and give-up - we even make the right PILL(ow)S for you! - Sleep, Sheep, Sleep - Accept, Accept, Obey, Buy, Buy-Buy..."

The borderline of our Minds is where we keep ourselves apparently `Safe´ while we `Play´ until we become Prey to the bipolar movements of the Mind:

up and down

up and down

up and down

round and round

right! wrong!

no, right!

no, wrong!

"who am I, doc?"

Psychiatry/Psychology is `allowed´ to define `conditions´ and `label´ individuals - and this is done in a away that will make a person believe that: "You are not able to take Self-Responsibility, so - there, I´ll give you a Reason not-to, let´s put you `outside the margin´, you are `special´, you are EXcused - so cute, let´s EXcute you for life!"

All for Money...


What is not seen, is that the `birth´ of a `condition´ through Labeling supports the manifestation of the `condition´ in-fact, and has the interesting side-effect that it opens the door for further `conditions´ / further Labeling.

In studying Viruses, it is seen that a Virus will develop and `evolve´ according to the vaccine/medicine. The Virus is always a step ahead.

An interesting question would be: What comes first - the Virus or the Medicine?


Pharmaceutics-->Pharma is Ace and U are Ticks

Man´s ACCEPTANCES, i.e. giving-away Self-Responsibility and placing Trust into `specialized´ forces and systematic treatments, and the fact that the System tricks Man into accepting & beLIEving his own powerlessness & defeat = implies that a real Change must come from Man, on individual-level, through realizing Self-Responsibility and looking at the Consequences of his Acceptances and Allowances to understand his own Creation as himself.

It is Who we are that creates this Reality.

Time to Stop. And Breathe.

Looking at our accepted `powerlessness´ - Man´s Self-Defeat... How did we come to `understand´ i.e. define `power´ only in Separation - only in relation to another point (other people, the system etc)?

In accepting this, we will attempt to `prove´ our `power´ through constant competition and Inner struggle - instead of realizing Self-Power Here as Who we are in every Breath. The Self-Power to remain Here as Breath no matter what I am facing.

The Self-Power to not-react, and to instead direct myself in CommonSense as Equal to another or a situation.

The Self-Power to not have to `have the last word´.

The Self-Power to not have to `win´.

The Self-Power to not have to `prove myself to others´.

The Self-Power to `know thy self´.

Birth-->Brith-->Breath ....Breathe-in

dEATH --> brEATH ....Breathe-out

What is happening in-between...?

An interesting fact:

In our Sleep, we `lose´ Awareness, we `lose´ Self-Direction, i.e. the Dream `happens to us´. We are not aware of our Breath, we are not breathing - The body-System is breathing for us, automatically.

Is Sleep a Simulation of Death?

It is said that: As long as one is not awake and directive in the Dream - one is actually asleep when `awake´.

Observe how, even in the `wake´-state, we do not Breathe in Awareness. We are busy in our Mind. We are busy with Emotions. We are busy calculating `who we are´ in each particular situation we face. We play the game by the name.

Observe how each inner Reaction (anger, fear, anxiety, hate, being `in-love´, desire etc.) always `come´ with particular breath-Patterns. Reactions are automatic, they are conditioned. So has become our Breath - automatic.

The Body breathes as a Automated System.

Between the first In-breath and the last Out-breath: a whole life goes-by where we allow a System to take-over and breathe for us. Because `this is how it is´. Because `everybody does it´. Because this is `the way´. The way of the World...

We are not keeping ourselves Alive, we are not breathing Life, we are not breathing Ourselves. A System is keeping us alive ( ...considering our own self-abusive attitude towards the body, one wonders why it even breathes for us).

What happens if we Stop the Systematic Automation of breath?

We have proven that, if one Stop and Breathe when a Reaction come-up, one can direct oneself: No I will not follow a reaction. I am Here, I breathe.

We have proven that, if one is stable as Breath in Awareness Here - one is able to Stop the `effect´ of any common Drug: in ONE Breath.

Breath is HERE. If I am here as Breath in every Breath - I am HERE.

What does that imply?

What does it imply about Breath?

What does it imply about Awareness as Breath?

What does it imply about Who we are?

What does it imply about the Mind?

What does it imply about Self-Direction?

What does it imply about Self-Power?

What does it imply about Self-Realization?

What does it imply about Who we really Are?

What does it imply that we All actually breathe the same Breath?

What does it imply about Equality and Oneness of Life?

What does it imply about CommonSense and the Equality of Life that is `missing´ in-fact?

What does Self-Realization as Breath imply?

Is perhaps the Breath, as the Common Equal Point we All share the Key to Self-Reaization as Life? - the Realization that SELF = LIFE = EQUAL = ALL - where `power´ as we know it can no-longer exist

Is perhaps the Breath, as the actual physical `representation´ of Systematic Polarity (in-out, in-out, in-out) the Key to stand Equal to the Nature of Polarity - and Transcend Polarity?

Is perhaps the Breath, as the actual physical `representation´ of the polarity of `life&death´ the Key to stand Equal to `life´(the System) and Equal to Death - and Transcend Death?

Is perhaps the Breath the Key to Transcend `Time´?

Is perhaps the Breath our Only point of what is Real, Actual Here?

Is perhaps the Breath the Key to Stop the System from within and bEarth ourselves as Life?

Is perhaps Who we Really Are to be found in Breath?

Each-one can only find-out for oneself.

Each-one will have to find-out for oneself.

A time come where each-one will have to STAND in the midst of self-created Hell.

A time come where each-one FACE oneself and what has been accepted and allowed.

A time come where each-one will have to HEAL oneself. Breath Here will be all we have.




  1. Πρέπει να εθκιάβασες την "Γέννηση της Κλλινικής του Φουκώ"...Την ίδια ώρα όμως σκέφτουμαι ότι εν πολλής ο κόσμος που πιστέφκει σε ένα άνθρωπο που έβλεπε τζιαι εμιλούσε σε ένα βάτο που έκρουζε...ενεν πως αναιρώ την θεώρηση σου...αφού τζιαι επι καιρό Στάλιν υπήρχε τζιαι η ασθένεια "δημοκρατική εμμονή" αν δεν κάμνω λάθος (Ινστιτούτο Σέρμπσκι)...Ένεν αλήθκεια όμως ότι σήμερα ζούμε το ανέκδοτο "Εν ένας/μια ο/η πελλός/η, εν πολλοί/ες!" ? στο αστείο τζείνο που το ράδιο λαλεί "Προσοχή, προσοχή! Ένας/μια πελλός/η οδηγά στην αντίθετη πλευρά του δρόμου"

  2. Όϊ, εν τα εθκιέβασα. Μιλώ που άμεση παρατήρηση τζαι εμπειρία.
    Εφχαριστώ για το σχόλιο... τζαι νναι, εύστοχο το ανέκδοτο! ;-)


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